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BFC, CMBB Ordered! And a suggestion

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I still have no idea exactly how I'm going to manifest a new/newer CMBB capable Mac computer (am attempting several angles, though), but working on Goethe's principle of "that moment one definitely commits, then Providence moves too" have decided to order the game first, committing myself to the game and the Mac at a time when funds are tight and my 233 MHz iMac simply won't cut it.

That said, I'd like to suggest that the receipt screen after ordering be fundamentally rethought, for it is an ink slurper of the first magnitude.

Why not add a button which offers a simple printer friendly black text on white background version?


John Kettler

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Originally posted by John Kettler:

...working on Goethe's principle of "that moment one definitely commits, then Providence moves too"...

I hate to be the one to cast a discouraging word, John, but Goethe wasn't always right.

Still, I wish you the absolute best of luck. It would be indeed grand to get your sharp analyses on this fine game.


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A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way.

I'm part of GWAR ("Goethe Was Always Right") and am thinking of joining MEIAW - I'll send you a dollar toward a new Mac, John, if you send me your address.

Are you aware of "Low End Mac"? (lowendmac.com) IIRC a friend of mine used information from the site when buying some Macs recently.

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Originally posted by Tarqulene:

Spending time with eBay might also be useful. Who was the guy on the board who snapped up several 1GB DP Macs for a song last summer? AIR, he was getting them for less than a new iMac is going for. Picked up some neat flat panel Apple monitors too.


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Originally posted by John Kettler:

That said, I'd like to suggest that the receipt screen after ordering be fundamentally rethought, for it is an ink slurper of the first magnitude.

Why not add a button which offers a simple printer friendly black text on white background version?


John Kettler

try: saving the page as a screenshot(i tried to save it as an html file and when i opened it later it just routed me to the battlefront homepage)

if you want to print it out reverse the colors. i am sure there is some sort of mac graphics program that can do that: hell even ms paint can!

or probably even better highlight all the text and paste it into a text editor.

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Thank you one and all for the information, kind thoughts, encouragement, words of caution, and the donation offer, which I'll be gratefully exercising shortly. russellmz, your ideas are fine, but somewhat moot, in that having ordered the game, I really don't need to go through the drills specified, at least some of which can be done on the Mac. The point of that part of my post was to conserve the ink of those yet to order. I see no reason why a receipt should gobble up many full page equivalents of ink.


John Kettler

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