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Battlefront, please...

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Next time, if you must deal with CDV, PLEASE ditch the clause in the contract that stops us Euros ordering from the US ? CDV would loose virtually no sales - very few buyers would even consider ordering from abroad, but those who would might be a lot less pissed off.

I wouldn't mind, except that now I've already ordered (and paid for) the "proper" manual, I see the UK release has now been put back another week to 11 October. OK, all is forgiven if the delay was to get rid of the Wafflegrenadier rubbish, or something otherwise useful, but somehow I doubt it. As it is, it just seems you folks and CDV are just conspiring to annoy people.. sorry, :(

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Originally posted by Hertston:

Next time, if you must deal with CDV, PLEASE ditch the clause in the contract that stops us Euros ordering from the US ? CDV would loose virtually no sales - very few buyers would even consider ordering from abroad, but those who would might be a lot less pissed off.

I wouldn't mind, except that now I've already ordered (and paid for) the "proper" manual, I see the UK release has now been put back another week to 11 October. OK, all is forgiven if the delay was to get rid of the Wafflegrenadier rubbish, or something otherwise useful, but somehow I doubt it. As it is, it just seems you folks and CDV are just conspiring to annoy people.. sorry, :(

Move to Germany...


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Hertston, as has been mentioned before this point has nothing to do with us wishing to have such a clause on a contract, it has to do with the fact that no publisher in their right minds would sign off of such a deal. Thats just the facts unfortunately. They need to protect their sales and honestly I can understand their desire to do so.

Asking them to allow us to sale into their terrority is no different from them asking to sell into the US...we wouldnt allow that, either.


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The situation has only arisen at all because of the very unusual circumstances in which a game that was developed in the US is not getting a "box" release there (as a matter of interest, why ?), but isin Europe. Many other games have seperate Euro publishers/distributors too, but I can order those from a US retailer any time I choose.

You say no publisher in their right minds would sign up to such a deal - but how many times has this situation actually occured before ? Damned if I can think of one.

There was at least one easy solution anyway.. let (non German) Euros order direct, but pay over your estimated profit on each sale to cdv. You lose nothing, cdv get their money, and we get the game on time, and complete. My guess is it would only be a couple of hundred copies involved at most - the great majority wouldn't even consider ordering from the US.

[ September 28, 2002, 07:52 PM: Message edited by: Hertston ]

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Originally posted by KwazyDog:

Asking them to allow us to sale into their terrority is no different from them asking to sell into the US...we wouldnt allow that, either.


Why not? No one in their right mind would order this game from CDV. And if someone in their not right mind (Dorosh? smile.gif ) were to order from CDV, wouldn't the $$$ come back to you guys eventually?
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Originally posted by Hertston:


The situation has only arisen at all because of the very unusual circumstances in which a game that was developed in the US is not getting a "box" release there (as a matter of interest, why ?), but isin Europe. Many other games have seperate Euro publishers/distributors too, but I can order those from a US retailer any time I choose.

As I understand it, BTS looked into having a retail version of CMBO in the US, but couldn't find a distributer who wasn't going to screw them over in the deal.
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Originally posted by Captain Wacky:

As I understand it, BTS looked into having a retail version of CMBO in the US, but couldn't find a distributer who wasn't going to screw them over in the deal.

Perhaps cdv could have used it as the flagship product for their new US subsidiary :D
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