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Grid-overlay terrain for CMBB demo

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For anyone who might be interested, I've made a grid-overlay terrain for the demo. I suppose it will probably also work on the full version, but naturally it'll be lacking snow tiles until we have the full BMP set to play with... I'd post a couple of screenshots I have here, but don't have a host I can use. If anyone is interested, e-mail me and I'll send you the file or screenshots or whatever. It's about 13.8MB, self-extracting.


[ September 05, 2002, 05:46 AM: Message edited by: lewallen ]

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Wow, my mailserver's gonna be busy for a while... smile.gif I just got home from work, so I'm sending it out now to everyone who's requested it. (Note: I've already had one email bounce; does anyone out there have about 14 megs of server space they'd be willing to use so people could download it?)

I modded both the regular grass and the steppe terrain, and the gridlines are thin lines for every 20m, with a thick line every 80m. The lines are gray for max visibility against all types of terrain. I've been thinking about modding tree and wheat-field bases, but haven't yet; if anyone's interested, I'll give it a go and see if I can make it work out.

Also, if anyone's interested, I have the file I use with Paint Shop Pro to make the terrain; it's dead simple, just select-all, copy it as a new layer over the terrain BMP to be gridded, and save it. I'll be happy to send that file as well if anyone wants it.


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Originally posted by Jeeves:

Is anyone hosting this file yet? I'm eager to get my grubby paws on it but I suspect my Inbox could not contain it....

Unfortunately no one is hosting the file yet, though I sent an email to CMHQ about it this morning. I don't know if CMHQ is hosting CMBB mods tho.

Anyway, until we find a host, there's two ways I can think of to do this. First, if you have KaZaA, try searching for "CMBB_Demo_gridoverlay"; I've shared it. If that doesn't work, or you don't have KaZaA, I can do a direct file transfer to you via AIM or ICQ. I'm usually home from 11pm to ~3:30am and 11am to ~12pm, PST.

AIM: deimosathome

ICQ: 2224428


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Originally posted by Pascal DI FOLCO:

Bump also : where are the files ? I'd gladly use them if someone can send them..

I could even host them (web space only) if needed smile.gif

That would be great! We definately need a host for these. Just tell me how you want me to send them to you. smile.gif


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