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Best tank battle scenario?

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A pretty cool one (at least for stress relief) is Meyer's Wrath, by Wild Bill. Play it as the Germans, its like shooting poles in a barrel.



Ave, Caesar! Morituri te salatamus.

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My recommendation would add "Chambois" and "South to Sword". They are both on CD and are also by WBW ( go figure wink.gif ) I tried some mentioned and they are pretty good!



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Thank you gentlemen! I'm glad you have checked these out.

Now if I may join in with a couple of more, Elsdorf - Tanks Only is an interesting encounter between Pershings and Tigers.

Herrlieheim - Cut Off is another tank heavy one, this one an operation.

The above are also at CMHQ - The scenario depot.

On Madmatt's webpage (not in the depot, but on his web page), you'll find Maastricht-tanks only also. The other version has infantry added and is available at the same location.

And I am sure that there are many others out there.


Wild Bill

Lead Tester

Scenario Design Team

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


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"Since you peoople do not post where we can find these great scenarioes, thanks to the CM Scenario Database, they are located with real ease.

Hats off to these people who make these great things for us!"

-- Yes this is an ad.



"When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

"Can't get enough Tank?"

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I've just finished August Bank Holiday, playing as the Allies v the AI. I really

enjoyed playing it, but it was easier to

gain a good victory than some scenarios

for the following reason...







Spoiler Space







I moved over a dozen of my tanks into the

large orchard (scattered trees) beside the

main town. I placed them near the edges in

a line just outside the LOS limit to the

edge of the trees. As the German tanks

lumbered past in groups of 4-6 I'd move

my tanks on masse to the edge of the trees

with a hunt command followed by an

immediate reverse back to their original

position. The result was that the German

armour were slaughtered. No German units,

infantry or armour, attempted to enter the trees. The scenario could probably be made

more challenging for the Allies v the AI if this was somehow adjusted.

One other point which didn't help the

AI was that there was bottleneck

through which a lot of the German armour tried to pass and a single well placed

AT gun covering this destroyed 9 tanks.

I guess the point is that the AI is better

on the defence as usual, so the scenario

is probably better played as the Germans.

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  • 2 weeks later...

One other factor that you might want to look at is that the Polish reinforcements arrived quite early in the scenario, around turn 8 or 9 so as I recall. You might consider tweaking it so that they tend to arrive a bit later. As it turned out they caught most of the AI's infantry out in the open and gave them a right mauling.

As I said though, great fun to play.



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