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Mac Mod Troubles

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Hey, Mac Mod users, I need your help.

I've used the Mod Manager to install several different mods, including the gridded-grass. But, no matter what I try, I cannot seem to ever get the grass grids to work. confused.gif

It's weird, because the faces work, the flags work, but the grass does not. Any ideas? confused.gif

Thanks in advance,

Steve C.


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If your video card has less than 16 megs, the grids won't work. I have an iMac DV SE with the standard 8 meg ATI card, and the grids won't show up.

But at least I don't have the dreaded ATI "I can't see the text" bug. Hope ATI gets its act together on that one soon.


"Don't lie to me, Gustav! You're a stinkin' Mac user!"

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Let us know if the low res grid works. In our testing of the grids we werent able to get any of the grids to work on a video card with 8 meg.

I personally dont use the grids. Just didnt look right to me.

we're working on a general mod read me for the mac. Not sure when it will get done, curently updating MCM3 to fix a few small things. It will talk about the grids, hi res textures, winter textures, etc.



History is made at night

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Thanks for all the replies! smile.gif

I'm running an original Bondi-blue iMac with 96MB RAM and the GameWizard 8MB card in the mezzanine slot. So, I guess the 8MB won't be enough...I'll have to wait until I get a mini-tower...sigh.

Thanks again,

Steve C. (aka Howitzer)

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does that work? Have you tried it?

If so, let me know and we'll post the instructions on CMHQ, or I'll look into creating the textures and posting them (or, better yet, email them to me and we'll get them loaded up as soon as possible).

To the other mac users: MCM3 v 1.1 is almost ready for release. You're gonna love the new features:

- better file navigation: popup menus allow you to access a number of mod folders within the selected folder. Great for switching out the different tiger mods for example. Have a folder for each mod, located in a Textures folder (or whatever you choose), then use the menu to select the mod you want to convert.

- support for text readme files in the folders. Read the authors notes from within the program

- support for jpg preview. We're trying to include jpg screenshots of the modified unit/vehicle. Click on the jpg, see the preview.

- ability to enlarge the preview to full size by clicking on the preview.

- added in abilty to copy picts from resource(either full resource or selected)

- added in default selections to CD-Rom and MCM3 folder, to aid in the file management.

- created new Readme with pictures and better instructions. Big file, but walks you through the process.

Other things fixed and modified as well, too many to mention (almost a complete recode from V 1.0).

Look for it soon. Testing is almost complete, maybe one more week.



History is made at night

[This message has been edited by aikidorat (edited 09-18-2000).]

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I dont know, but I look forward to it. :)

having the two programs has definately made better product(s) for all of us.

I have a few other things for 1.2, and then not sure - may focus on seeing if the darn sound mod thing will work. Not going well at the moment, I'm afriad.



History is made at night

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