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I once lost an MG team that surrendered but after I got a command post near it I recovered it and it appeared normal but UNARMED so I just sent it to the rear.

When I get prisioners I sent them towards my rear because I once left them where they stood and their returned to their rear.

I would like the CM boys to consider INTERROGATING prisoners if we bring them to command posts. They could signal force status or when a gun was at the beginning of the battle. What do you think?

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That would be fun, but only if they added the screams and yells accompanying the battlefield interrogation! wink.gif

Seriously, I don't think that, historically, this was performed in the period of time that a typical CM scenario lasts.

Some problems would be, for example, disseminating the information gleaned from the POWs to the troops in the field. I know that currently CM is designed so that if one guy on the far east side of the map sees a gun emplacement, his mates one kilometer to the west are presumed to see it also, but I think that is a game decision. The game may presume that the observing unit has marked the target with colored smoke, for example. However, it seems unlikely that a POW's information about a bunker or AT gun located in the rear of the enemy position could be "marked" by the HQ unit "interrogating" the prisoner.

I thought about whether the information could be dispersed by radio, but have rejected that idea. I seem to recall that the armies in WWII relied more on land lines (telephone type systems)to transmit information over a wide area than on radios. Generally speaking, individual platoons (and certainly individual squads) did not possess their own radio.

Perhaps it might be useful in an operation, though. Generally, those deal with a longer period of time. What does everybody else think?



But we're saying goodbye to them all

We're Harry's police force on call!

So put back your pack on

The next stop is Saigon

Don't bless the few bless 'em all!

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My copies on the way but if I were you'll I'd use my POWs as defense(Ex: you want to attack a machine gun but it keeps shooting your troops. You capture some enemies and tell them to go near the MG and some what surround it. Then send in a squad of men from and open spot in the POWs. suprise the MG and take it. You probably can't do this but it would be enteresting if you could. MAybe in CM2

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Coincidentally, an hour ago I finished a game in which I took more prisoners than ever before -- something like 39 of them. I had a groups of 6 vets surrender (rushed the building with two full squads while they were shaken). 39 is my personal record, I must have looked particularly grumpy tonite or something.

Anyway, I had a lot of trouble making them walk. I'd issue the order, they'd stay put, and next turn the walk-line was gone. I didn't pay real close attention, but in retrospect it seems like maybe the more experienced guys don't always move when told? Or maybe larger groups don't?

I do have to agree it's annoying to have to manage them -- and then be unable to pop a round in their skull when they refuse to move for fifteen consecutive turns...

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As I've mentioned elsewhere, I'm eagerly devouring the book Stalingrad (Antony Beevor) and speaking of popping rounds in prisoner's heads, this almost certainly MUST be permitted in any East Front version of CM. No I haven't searched to see if this has been discussed, but essentially both sides commonly and regularly (and often under offical orders from The Top) knocked off prisoners. Hell, the Russians knocked off their own guys when they managed to escape. Lunatics.

Anyway, keeping my fingers crossed in CM2 I can just whack them and get on with it. (Who's the lunatic now?)

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