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Knocking Out Jagtiger

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I have a two medium tanks and the balance is infantry, a couple ATs storming a city and no arty left. My opponent has a Jagtiger sitting back firing. It is not so bad as my infantry is to spread out to be hurt dramatically by its' fire.

Suggestions on how to knock out a JagTiger under these circumstances would be appreciated.

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Well the terrain has a lot to do with what you can do but the basic answer is swing one tank hard left and the other hard right under cover and make his position untenable, you do not have to kill the unit as much as make it as useless as possible. With no position to fire and enemies on it's flanks the JT will have to retreat and your enemy will have lost one of his key components without a loss to you.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by wwb_99:

Wait until it runs out of ammo, which will take ~5 turns or so. Even in that monster you could not carry but a couple dozen 128mm Shells, only 1/2-2/3rds are HE.


Not a bad idea. I would just ignore it, or more precisely remind myself that it changes targets very slowly, and can only hit 1 at a time w/ that monster FlaK cannon (with a blast of 140, ouch!). They do only have about 22 HE and 60 bow MG rounds.

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Ignoring the Jagdtiger is only an option if it isn't attended by a brother or/and the enemy force does its thing under the cover of the JT. In a word, if your opponent is so stupid to invest a major percentage of his points in a Jagdtiger, it doesn't really matter, since he is so stupid that he will loose anyway.

But what do you do when a quite weak force of him moves over the battlefield and gets all its targets and objectives and you can't stop it because one or two Jagdtigers do the overwatch thing for these guys?

Still, go in with all guns and hope to damage weak items on the JT.

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IF you must knock out the Jagdtiger, approach infantry (engineers preferrably) or AT teams at opposite sides of the beast. If you only have 75mm Shermans keep them in cover and don't engage with them. Laying down smoke helps your infantry's approach too. When in close range preferrably get flank/rear shots with a bazooka. If it faces your team, get the hell out of dodge and run! That 128mm gun is NO joke! If course, this may give your AT team in the rear to get a medal... Engineers with their charges are quite dangerous against armor if you don't have bazookas nearby.

This is all provided of course if enemy forces protecting it has been cleared or is nonexistent.

A JT supporting an infantry attack though is a different matter. I also like using expensive toys as bait sometimes. Give the opponent an Ahab complex.

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