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Tracer's winterized tanks are outstanding!

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Thank you all for the feedback and I'm glad you like the mods I have done, but one thing I have to add, the white wash look is historical yes, but, My Opa (german grandfather}, and great uncle (my Uncle Karl), and my grandfather on my dad's side,(he was a Major in the U.S. Army} yes I'm a Army brat,all served in WWII, my Opa served in the Wermacht, my great Uncle drove a Panzer in North Africa(and was captured by the Brits), I have seen pictures (taken in WWII) of german and American tanks, and not all were white washed,I guess do to the fact a war was going on and well no one would stop long enough to let the other guy white wash his tanks(can you believe it). Also I have pics of modern day tanks I took while in europe, being out in the snow. I try to recreate what I have seen in the pics and the cool thing about this game is that there can be a variety of tanks done in differnt ways which make the game look really nice(which is just eye candy, but still).A player being able to mod his own vehicles terrain and other things is one of the many things that make this game unique (I think), and I also think the game designers realize this and say, "what the heck let them mod thier own winter stuff",(LOL, just kidding Battlefront calm down)Any way, this game is the best wargame to date, no doubt about it. And I think it's the folks playing it that realy help to make this true.

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Originally posted by tracer:

Thank you all for the feedback and I'm glad you like the mods I have done, but one thing I have to add, the white wash look is historical yes, but, My Opa (german grandfather}, and great uncle (my Uncle Karl), and my grandfather on my dad's side,(he was a Major in the U.S. Army} yes I'm a Army brat,all served in WWII, my Opa served in the Wermacht, my great Uncle drove a Panzer in North Africa(and was captured by the Brits), I have seen pictures (taken in WWII) of german and American tanks, and not all were white washed,I guess do to the fact a war was going on and well no one would stop long enough to let the other guy white wash his tanks(can you believe it). Also I have pics of modern day tanks I took while in europe, being out in the snow. I try to recreate what I have seen in the pics and the cool thing about this game is that there can be a variety of tanks done in differnt ways which make the game look really nice(which is just eye candy, but still).A player being able to mod his own vehicles terrain and other things is one of the many things that make this game unique (I think), and I also think the game designers realize this and say, "what the heck let them mod thier own winter stuff",(LOL, just kidding Battlefront calm down)Any way, this game is the best wargame to date, no doubt about it. And I think it's the folks playing it that realy help to make this true.

I think I'm gonna cry.... sniff, sniff ;););)

Group hug everyone! ;)

But seriously folks. The game kicks a$$ on it's own. It wasn't that long ago when I was saying, "Wow, I wish someone would put ASL/PL/PB on a computer game." BTS really has an outstanding product.

But you modders add something to it that I don't think BTS has time for. The kind of detailed modding you create just blows me away. You guys really have a gift that the rest of us can only scratch our head over. Thanks for everything you guys do.


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