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white boxes, no words!!!


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I am new to this...I downloaded the demo and installed it. The game works fantastic, but I only have white boxes with no words. I can't see my unit names, strengths, distance... I have tried to change the resolution and drivers. Help!!!

P.S. Even with this problem I still ordered the game. It will be alot more fun to play with this problem resolved!!

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Try messing around with the "anti-aliasing" stuff on your video card settings. for some reason, I need to change my settings to 4 way anti-aliasing and it fixes that problem for me. I have the same problem with the text as you when I'm on any other setting. I have a voodoo 5 card.

Maybe some guru on here could explain the reason for this.

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What platform are you on, Mac or PC (I'll assume PC) ? What video card and what driver version do you have loaded ? What OS are you using Win98, Win2K or Mac OS 9.x ?

The 'white boxes' you are speaking of... are these the info boxes (when you highlight a unit and press Enter) or are these the info areas at the bottom of the screen ?

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I dont see where you mentioned which video card and OS you have but here are all the fixes that pertain to that issue:

Problem: On a G3, G4 or iMac the display of text in the game is blank or is all whited-out.

Cause/Solution: This is due to a known bug in the video extensions for the ATI video card on those computers. There are two solutions available.

#1 This problem was resolved with the release of MacOS 9.1. By upgrading to MacOS 9.1 (available for free from www.apple.com) the problem should be resolved.

#2 We have included a standalone Universal Installer with the Mac Combat Mission v1.12 patch which will also fix this issue. You can download that file from: ftp://ftp.battlefront.com/pub/patches/cm112.sit.bin

Once that file is downloaded, just double-click on the "OpenGL 1.2.1" icon. It then mounts a "virtual disk" on the desktop which contains an installer.

Problem: Video card is a Voodoo 5000/5500 and all in-game text is blank or white and unreadable.

Cause/Solution: Issue is caused by a fault in the Voodoo Drivers. In order to fix this issue you will need to go into your Voodoo Control Panel and change the level of Direct 3D Full Screen Anti-Aliasing (FSAA) to any setting other than the default, which is normally set to Best Performance. That will clear up the text.

Problem: Video Card is a Voodoo based chipset (4000/5000/5500 but could be others) and when game is minimized and restored with the ESCape key the display is corrupted.

Cause/Solution: Caused by faulty Voodoo drivers. One solution is to select Single Chip Rendering Option from the Voodoo Control Panel. This will fix the corruption but game performance may suffer slightly. A workaround is to save the game while the graphics are corrupted, exit the game and then re-load. The corruption will be cleared.

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