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Ok stop it i cant take it any more in all or the topics ive posted its like oh hay what about c15 a2 95 abram sidewinder stinger missils how about the b58 x demions odf that {sorry but thats complete and utter bu***hit}why mist u guys question everything i do why whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.... and im tired of hearing about ballgames and peanuts for chri**s sake ! no this isnt a prank , yes iveseen kellys heros yes i ook at other topics { but i dont comment in them} . and ohhh sorry about the grammer and friggen spelling puntucation MOTHER!!!! dont hate me im only a messanger - Sifer {MATRIX} i posted my topics to get pople taking about other things other than the senerios in Combat mission ...oh hang on ive got an idea do u guysd what to see screen shots from my MOD? any way TALK to YOU later! :cool:

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Paton Returns, Paton Returns...

What do we have to do to explain to you that what you are saying that you have done, CAN'T BE DONE. Otherwise it would have been done by now. BTS strictly made CM unhackable because of exactly what you are saying that you have done.

The whole idea of CM is that it is a HISTORICALLY ACCURATE simulation. There was a lot of research put into everything in CM. Just check the unit statistics and info and you'll see that everything from the engine horsepower, ground pressure, weight of the vehicle, sillouette, muzzle velocity, blast radius, etc. is represented ACCURATELY for each unit. But what is great about BTS is that if the Forum Members find an error in the data then BTS will alter the data in a patch. There was a long discussion on the carrying capacity of certain US Halftracks before that was finally settled and implemented in the v1.1 patch I believe.

So unless you are extensively researching your units, even if you have figured out how to break the code, then your mod is gonna SUCK. Besides, how are you going to compile your new executable?

We are not dissing your idea. We are mearly telling you that what you claim that you are doing is FREAKIN' IMPOSSIBLE. We know a hellava lot more of how CM was made and put together than you, so for you to come in here and boast about using some bull**** RES EDIT program to alter the unit data, then you are so full of crap that you're eyes are brown.

And judging by the way you type and speak, you come off as a naive teenager that doesn't have a freakin' clue of what he's talking about. So why don't you shut the hell up and listen to us once for a change? :mad:

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Ooooh, club him good. Didn't even need to call the fire dept.; they could hear the flames!

Paton, word to the wise:

Use proper punctuation amd grammar.

Stop beating your chest a la Tarzan.

DO A SEARCH! so you don't spout off on topics that have been done to death.

There are a lot of intelligent, knowledgeable people here. Listen once in a while.

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