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*Spoiler* Aachen question

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Why is Aachen so short? I suspect it is a play balance issue. Playing as the Americans against the AI, and having just read Closing With The Enemy, I used the historical American tactic of moving up slowly and blowing the bejesus out of the buildings with direct fire SPA. However, this historical tactic fails in the scenario because it takes too long. I completely disrupted the German defense and caused them heavy casualties, but only had time to take one victory flag, leading to a tactical victory. Another three or four turns and I would have had them all. I presume the shortened time forces the Ami player to move more quickly, but that just seems like it is forcing the Amis to use poor tactics in order to compensate for an otherwise-doomed German position.

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To a point you are right, Super T.

Shortened scenarios are a tool to put pressure on the commander.

This is not ahistorical at all. Too many times, combat leaders were pushed to the point of terrible losses.

"You're behind, Round-top! The other companies have taken their positions. Move up, take your objectives, or by God, your company will have a new CO tomorrow. No excuses, move!"

While not quite fair in gaming, it was even more unfair and ruthless in real war.

Patton told one of his generals in North Africa, "Put more officers on the line. I want more officers as casualties. It looks bad for the men to have so many enlisted men as casualties and an improper ratio of officers. I want officer casualties."

Inspired (I guess) by loyalty, the general himself took to the front lines and suffered a serious face wound.

So this is the madness behind the method. It can be argued both ways. But in combat, time has always been a factor. Given enough time, the enemy would fall, perhaps with less casualties, but commanders had a time table.

Sad, but apparently true.


Wild Bill

Lead Tester/Designer

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


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I loved the speed of the city attack. The risk to reward was huge. There was enough time to move the sherman and 3 sqd/1 HQ to the far right Ami flank to attack the Germans on their left flank with significant force. The most important aspect was the arty (incl. the mortar).

I wasn't certain how fast to push, but with 3 turns left I could do a coordinated push across the entire front. I avoided loss of armor by keeping them on the flanks (luck first time). The rolling arty spent his time flattening buildings waiting for the troops to get in place. I played twice, and both times I didn't gather the objectives until the very last turn.

Great scenario-- though I'm not certain it will help me when trying to tackle a larger force/more experienced in a larger city setting. Methodical will likely carry the day. However, in most attack situations I try to push one group as fast as possible to scuttle the opponents setup.

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Thank, Havermeyer. I am glad it was fun for you. It is one that I still play when I'm in the mood for a quickie wink.gif.

This is a good learning scenario. It is one to get familiar with movement, small unit tactics, covering fire and the working together of armor and infantry.

Plus its fun. No, it does not rank in the "epic" class of scenarios, but for those getting into the game it is a good experience. Short-simple-sound.

A good place to get a feel for CM.


Wild Bill

Lead Tester/Designer

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


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Well I had a go at this when I first got the game, but sort of wandered off after about four moves. I went back to it this afternoon, and had a great time. I took the default setup (as Amis) and moved my troops up their respective streets, with the armour hanging back and area firing into likely looking buildings down the road. The troops moved from house to house, making sure the way was clear for the armour to follow. Having a great time, then I noticed only three moves left! But I was close enough, and after the next move the Axis surrendered for a total allied victory. I remember the first time I tried this scenario - burning armour, screams of panicked troops - not a pretty picture!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just to say compliments to the chef, Bill!

I just wound up a PBEM on this one and it was great fun and tense right 'til the end. In fact this one is near-perfection for a quick e-mail game if someone's looking for something good to play.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Peterk:

In fact this one is near-perfection for a quick e-mail game if someone's looking for something good to play.


Ahhhh, that is why I've been looking forward to WBW "The Second Job". City fighting - by it's nature very tense.


Jeff Abbott

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Thanks Peter. A Second Job is to Aachen what kindergarten is to high school. Aachen is a good "quickie."

In "A Second Job" it gets a little more complicated (and dangerous!) eek.gif

Did you get it Juardis? Dumb question wink.gif on my part!

It is up for playing now on the CMHQ scenario depot. Enjoy it fellas. Even pain can be pleasure, or so they say rolleyes.gif



Wild Bill

Lead Tester/Designer

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


[This message has been edited by Wild Bill Wilder (edited 07-30-2000).]

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Again... Juardis reading these threads, and me giving away the farm...

I've got Aachen saved on the second move, just prior to engaging the enemy. I play this one every other time I fire up CM, when I have a chance to play a good long while. My highest score thus far is 94 with only 14 casualties.

The weapons mix is great fun!


"Two World Wars and One World Cup, do da, do da!"

--British Hooligan, sung to Camptown Races

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Well, I played this one on Saturday night, after my finish of a victory in All or Nothing.

Nifty little scenerio. Thanks WB. I guess it was because it was short I used the opposite tactic you need to use in All or Nothing which is patience.

I whipped up those streets in a hurry only to find my SPA burning after turn 3. That slowed me down a bit. smile.gif Well, I ended up with a loss in this one as I never made the victory objectives. When the lines flattened out though, my tank did cause some casualties which helped to make it just an Axis minor victory versus Major. I was able to advance steadily in the last 5 turns though, just not enough.

And luckily, I was able to get some use outta the ol' flamethrower. He burned 3 or 4 buildings with enemy troops before being wasted.

In closing, great explanation on the force commanders predicament WB. A great movie example of this (not saying the movie was good, just using this excerpt from it) is in

"The Thin Red Line" where the Colonel is all over the Captain to move out the men, regardless of the casualties. It shows in that scene just how pressured a CO was put under to obtain their objectives.

GI Tom


To a New Yorker like you, a hero is some type of wierd sandwich.

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Thanks Tom!

A very good point of comparison and things in the field do happen to change the situation.

Hitler's commanders were very adept at reading other meanings into the Fuhrer's stand and die orders.

I can hear Manstein,"The Fuhrer orders us to stand and die. I think we'll stand and die on the west side of the Dnieper, not here!"

CM accurately mirrors that, thankfully. I've seen more than one Sherman grind gears, shoving that bad boy in reverse when the snout of a Panther peeks around a building. He'll get no reprimand from me. He saw it before I did wink.gif.

Hey Tom, you got a brother named Joe? biggrin.gif

Sorry, had to say it.... rolleyes.gif


Wild Bill

Lead Tester

Scenario Design Team

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


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