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Review at GamePlanet NZ

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Look at he guys wee bio:

"Bought up in the days of tin soldiers and board games, he is now our resident armchair general. Works in a Telecommunication development lab. A bit of a history buff and a collector of rare books on the New Zealand Army in World War 2. Is of an age that can remember when a ZX81 was the coolest bit of kit you could buy. "

What more could you ask for from a WW2 game erviewer? Not a mention of FPS anywhere!! lol

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Lol, did you guys read what he said about the 20mm FLAK? He said it has a graphics problem: When you zoom out away from it, it looks like it's getting bigger.

I guess this guy has visual scale on default, yet it's interesting how he hasn't noticed that every OTHER unit in the game ALSO gets bigger as you zoom out. The only explanation is that he's old, and he probably wears thick rugged glasses.

BTS should seriously consider putting Visual scale to realistic in the next game because people new to CM probably scratch their heads once they notice their units getting bigger.

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