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The suicide recon

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Best solution for now, given that CM:BO will not be patched and that CM:BB will not fix the "borg spotting" issue, is to set ground rules before playing people. You can't do it with the AI of course, but apart from occasionally obnoxious unit selections (which should be limited in CM:BB with the rarity system, if you prefer), it's not as abusive as a nasty human player can be.

Recon by suicide, such as jeeps rushing around deep in enemy territory locating enemies until they die, would certainly be one of the things to consider banning unless you're deliberately setting it up as a gamey test of who comes up with cheesier tactics.

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Would'nt the advent of the new and improved MG-42 and or MG-34 make rushing a defensive postion with a car impossible?

I assume anyone drving their car/jeep down a road and came under machine gun fore would imediatly bail out and run for cover, or take many bullets right?

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Well, the MGs will be more lethal in CM:BB from what I've read -- at least when dealing with multiple units clustered together. Maybe they'll be nastier against speeders, as well. Keep in mind, 'tho, that unless the jeep's KO'd before it actually spots somebody, the damage may already have been done.

Perhaps the nastiest case is if the jeep owner manages to a) spot a significant concentration, or something nasty like a well-placed heavy AT gun, and B) calls in an arty strike before the defender can move away (or tow the gun away). If the owner's been "pretargetting" his spotters by targetting possible areas shortly before they get checked (to overlap arty latency with recon time), the defender might not have that much time to move. One KO'd jeep and a captured crew, plus mild arty depletion, traded for a reduction in the surprise factor and perhaps a gun KO or wounded platoon or more.

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