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Using Flak in 21st Panzer operation

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I started the operation yesterday and I need a general tip on using AA unit

From the briefing I understand there will be some air strike on my troops and I will have to use the Flak unit.

This is the first time I have to use this kind of unit in CM and absolutely do not know how to use it .I do not want a Spoiler or to be told where exactly to place the AA unit in this scenario.

It looks a bit complicated to use :mounting dismounting.What is the range that the Flak covers? I mean if I dismount it on the beginning of the map ,will the Flak be an umbrella for my advancing units until the end of the map ?



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Ahhhh, I remember the airstrike that you're about to experience. Good luck smile.gif

General tips: put the AA gun near your front line, so that you can leave it one place during the battle, but out of sight of anything in front of it - you don't want it to see anything but the plane. Maybe on the reverse slope of a hill, or in scattered trees. With only one AA gun, you'll want it fairly central. I'm not sure if putting a commander nearby would help, but it sure can't hurt.

You should get one turn's warning of the air strike - as the airplane comes in for a recon pass, you'll hear its engines for 5 seconds or so and see a shadow sweep across the battlefield. This is the signal for all of your units to separate and go for cover. AFVs should sprint for scattered trees and button up. The plane flies in a straight line, so make sure you're not hiding things in a long line - if he strafes down that line, you're in real trouble...

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I can't speak for anyone else but I can't ever remember having either shot down or chased off an airstrike with my 37mm's. I simply keep a close eye out for the recon pass and head for the trees when it shows up. If the flak is still alive after the airstrike, it can be relegated to suppressing foot troops.

Flak's are moderately good at infantry suppression, but are vulnerable to even an enemy sneezing in their general direction.

When available, I also keep a truck close at hand to move the flak gun to a better location as the flux of the battle changes and the infantry move elsewhere.

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Originally posted by Admiral Keth:

the flak is still alive after the airstrike, it can be relegated to suppressing foot troops.

I stuck the flack gun in the back, and it survived for two days of battles. On the last day I used up all of the 20mm ammo shooting at Sherman tanks, and never did any damage at all, except for immobilizing one of them. Interestingly enough, the Shermans never shot at the gun, once, even though it was not in great cover.

Then the plane came over and shot my halftracks to bits, and decapitated one of my TCs. All my ammo was gone and I couldn't do a thing about it.

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