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GeForce 2 MX 400 & Windows XP Problems?

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I've read for some time now that there are graphics problems for Combat Mission with Windows XP and GeForce cards.

My dinosaur computer (300 Mhz Celeron w/TNT2 card) needs to be replaced and I'm going with a AMD Athlon with a Geforce 2 MX 400 card and Windows XP loaded.

What problems am I likely to encounter and has anyone found a solution or workaround?

Thanks in advance! (Yes, I did a search)

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Windows XP comes with the 12.4x NVidia Reference driver built-in. Windows XP, like Windows 2000 before it, has a problem with 'white transparencies', where the color white will be transparent in 2D screens and some white elements may flicker in the 3D/2D info screens. This problem only occurs with NVidia-based video cards to my knowledge and is an issue strictly with the drivers that NVidia has provided for Win2K/XP. The problem has existed since Windows 2000 has been out, but became much more conspicuous since a significant number of players have been upgrading from Win9x/ME, where this problem didn't exist, to XP.

Using a newer driver like 15.70 or 23.10 (I would not recommend the latest 23.11 driver, even though it is official) and manually setting FSAA to 2X or higher should help with several of the problems. For the 2D screens ESC'ing or ALT-TAB'ing and then remaximizing CM seems to clear up the problem until you finish the game, then the AAR or the scenario selection screen, etc. may come up with the transparency problem again. ESC'ing or ALT-TAB'ing again will clear this up. If you use an interface mod like Deanco's, some of these problems will be minimized since there is quite a bit less white in these bitmap elements.

[ 12-09-2001: Message edited by: Schrullenhaft ]</p>

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