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well i let it download on my other comp while i was sleeping and its done. Is it great or what. Well i only got to see the interface graphics. Not a single crc error while it installed either. However whhen i went to click on the play mission or what ever that button is on the main screen the game crashed. the error box said something about a ddhelp error. And then when i went into the game again it showed the scenaario screed and the grapic selection without the box. It froze trhe computer. and i had to hard reset. Help me here im dieing. WHY CANT I PLAY

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This will probably be moved over to the Tech Forum shortly as Chad said...

We need to know what video card you have, what version of Windows you're running, what version of DirectX you have installed, what video driver version you have and what motherboard or computer model you have.

What resolution did you select when you started up the Demo, was it 640x480 ?

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I just had a strange thing happen myself. I loaded the game to take a look at something and when I went to quit, it locked my computer up! I've also begun to notice that unless you have the cursor arrow pointed right in the middle of the Yes button in the Quit dialogue, nothing happens.


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