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Advice on finding opponents

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Cheers from Australia.

I'm wondering where else is good to find CM opponents for IP games, apart from Battlefront's opponent's forum.

And if you know of any Australian or New Zealand CM gamer sites....I'd love to know about them, or I'd be obliged should you zip this mail on to them.



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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Try the Peng Challenge thread...

Yes, walk in, hat in hand, and say something along the lines of :

'Please good sirs, it would be jolly good to have a go at a game of Combat Mission with one of you. Any takers?'

I mean, it worked SO WELL for Michael . . .

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As it wasn't mentioned...

http://tournamenthouse.com/CM/ is the tournamenthouse ladder. They have IRC chat and you can pick up an opponent most of the time. If you are not on the ladder, you can still use the chat to find someone, although they of course prefer ladder members. They have a flag feature so you can identify opponents from your (un-)favorite country easily. http://thforums.com/CMBO/ is an associated site with discussions and tactics articles.

I have to recommend you study the "tournamenthouse 101" article on that site before jumping into the shark pool (no matter which of the shark pools mentioned here you choose).

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