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Twilight of the Gods - Berlin - was this trip necessary?

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But weren't the agreements already made at Yalta in February - meaning that whoever grabbed what was irrelevant?
I believe you're right, Michael. I even remember reading one story where Churchill and Stalin had gotten to the conference room before Roosevelt. Compared to the other two, Roosevelt was somewhat of an idealist. Churchill and Stalin on the other hand, while they might have not trusted one another, did share a similar view of the world. The story goes that Churchill, without speaking a word, took out a piece of paper, wrote down the names of some countries in Europe, then passed the paper to Stalin. After looking at the names for a bit, Stalin then wrote some names of countries, and passed it back. Churchill looked at Stalin's choices, considered them for a spell, then nodded in agreement. At that point, Roosevelt showed up, none the wiser.
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Has anyone read David Robbins "The End of War" about the final days of WWII? He has quite a bit on the political manuevering, portraying Churchill as the wise anti-communist trying to limit Stalin, and Roosevelt as well intentioned but naive idealist who gave away the farm.

(Nowhere near as good as "War of the Rats" IMO - anybody who wants my copy can have it for the cost of postage.)

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