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Spotting in the Fog (spotting bug?)

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First off, I know of the spotting bug where enemy units are spotted even when no friendly unit has LOS to it. Mainly when travelling over open ground or roads. This could explain what I'm noticing, but...

I have 2 battles in light fog that I'm thinking of. In one, I ran my guys across a bridge and into some trees. After the battle was over, I watched the movies from my opponents side (he gave me his password). I was surprised to find out that my running infantry was spotted when his closest unit was 700m away (LOS in light fog is 600m limit) and even then, it was behind a hill.

2nd example. In a current battle my opponent was pushing a gun over open ground. None of my units had LOS. They did have LOS to where it was going, but not to where it was. Anyway, armed with that bit of intel, I patiently waited for his gun to get to where it was going then killed it. I assume that he can see my running infantry over the open ground.

So, is there something about light fog that would make it easier to spot units in the open ground/roads? Mind you, these aren't sound contacts, but definite IDs. Or is this an extenuation of the spotting bug?

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Another issue is that a tank that:

- was identified once

- then moved out of LOS, leaving a "nation marker"

is always identified with its new position again when it fires, even if there is no enemy unit anywhere near LOS. Not a big deal you usually shoot on enemy troops in LOS that will see you, but not always, like shooting on panic/broken units, knocking down houses, or knocking out an abanonded tank.

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Remember, if a unit has been spotted at all, it always keeps that level of spotting. So, if you see a unit, then loose LOS, then hear it again, it will be like you can see it, because it won't drop back to 'sound contact' but will stay at it's current level of spotting. So, you can accuratly hear exactly where it is...

An unfortunate side affect of absolute spotting. It mostly shows up in low LOS games, like fog and night...


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