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To All "Nit-Pickers of CM"

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One arguement that I just don't get is: that at least some of the folks who suggested different or additional scenarios for the demo were really just after more free scenarios to play with the demo. It has been pointed out before that almost everyone on this forum has already or will soon be ordering CMBB. The full game will have some 50 or so battles and operations. I have two full binders with summaries of mostly very good to excellent user created scenarios for CMBO. There is no doubt in my mind that this will be the same for CMBB. Therefore, why would someone take time to post on this forum just (or mostly) to wrangle an additional scenario from BF, just to play with the demo? Maybe I'm just too old (no--I am to old) and not part of the instant gratification crowd, but I just don't understand why getting the one more scenario to play in the demo would be a serious motivation for anyone on this forum.

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Quibble mode ON

As a customer I would rather go onto a board and hear why something is good than to see tons of fights about how badly this or that sucks.
As a customer I'm exactly the opposite. A game's official webpage is generaly quite up front about telling what the devolopers/publisher thinks is good about a game, and the fans - those already "sold" on the game, tend to agree.

OTOH, looking at what people say they don't like can be _very_ informative. My general system is to look at the negatives being kicked around. If I say "Heh, is that it?" I've generally found a keeper. So far the complaints about CMBB have all been of the "Heh" variety. They may indicate actual faults, they may not.... but if "scenario choices for demo aren't as replayable as previous game's demo" is the worst thing said about CMBB, CMBB is _probably_ an excellent game. Don't wanna commit myself. ;)

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