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Q about CMBB scenarios (no mention of CDV...)

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Ack, you're catching me away from my gaming computer. But I spent a while last night looking over the scenarios.

I too favor pre-made sceanrios over QB's. The scenarios on the cd (70 in all, I think) are all over the place. I set up three PBEM's last night. One a small german attack in 41 in the wooded Baltic country. One a German SS assault in 43 round Kharkov, and one a 1945 Soviet armored assault in the heart of Vienna. I also saw a Romanian vs. Hungarian scen as well as more than a couple involving the Finns. In all they span the war chronologically, geographically, and in terms of combatants. It looks to be a great bunch to begin with. There are already some new scenarios over at Boots & Tracks.

What I really like is the new system for scenario listing. From the scenario page I can tell if a scen is historical or not, the point value, etc. I hope indie desingers stick to that format.

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Thanks, Berli and I came up with that system. Everything you need at a glance right there. If it isn't marked historical or Fictional, then it means it is semi-historical, which are the majority of scenarios. Finding exact maps or OOBs are a lot more difficult on the Eastern Front. smile.gif


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Originally posted by rune:

Thanks, Berli and I came up with that system. Everything you need at a glance right there. If it isn't marked historical or Fictional, then it means it is semi-historical, which are the majority of scenarios. Finding exact maps or OOBs are a lot more difficult on the Eastern Front. smile.gif


I played two or three of the '41 scenarios last night, and started the '41 operation before my eyes just could'nt stay open any longer, I had to get off to sleep. The scenarios I played were very good. Really set a good tone for the game right away.

One thing I noticed though, and I think it's the either the "Gate Keeper" scenario, or one of the other early summer'41 scenarios, from the list it shows it as an ME, but it is actually a Russian attack.

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