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Scenario creator FAQ?

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I looked through the search engine for this Forum and I wasnt able to find any FAQ threads specifically for scenarios and operations.

I know the General forum has a FAQ relating to the general issues of CM and I found it to be extremely helpful. Would anyone here be willing to take on the responsibility of creating a FAQ that deals specifically with the tips and tricks of creating scenarios and answers the questions that are often asked in this forum? I think the end result would be an increase in the quantity, and more importantly, quality of the scenarios that are released to the general public. I'm close to graduating this year and I plan on dedicating a good part of my free time this summer to doing some research and trying my hand at creating a scenario that all can enjoy. I would greatly appreciate being able to use a FAQ to lessen the trial and error of the process. smile.gif

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Originally posted by Canuck:

Oops I see that the general forum FAQ does refer to scenario questions. Still, I believe that the topic deserves its own, more detailed FAQ smile.gif

all you got to do is hit reply to the "scenarios" faq section and copy the quote part to a post here. then you can bump it up, and more importantly, add questions.
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