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Son Tough for the US?

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My first (And only) time playing it was PBEM. It was actually my first ever PBEM. I think both sides agreed that it wasn't particularly fair for the US. He got walked over, I lost a halftrack and some troops.



The difference between infantrymen and cavalrymen is that cavalrymen get to die faster, for we ride into battle!

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I just scored a Major Allied Victory. Of course that was against the computer. I can see in a PBEM it would probably be a slaughter for the Allies.

Then again, I might of played a different Son battle than the one your talking about!?!?!


I'll post what I did here if you want to or just email you.

[This message has been edited by nedlam (edited 03-05-2001).]

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I have only played against the AI, but after getting creamed as the US a few times, I realized that you have to forget about holding the farmhouse on the far side of the river. I tried pushing everything I had to the farmhouse and surrounding fields, including posting the AT guns in various spots on the far side of the river. There is just time to get them set up before the armored tide washes up. I smashed up a number of German units, but not enough to escape defeat. No matter how brave your paratroopers are, they can't stand up to the weight of armor massed against them. Since you can't stand and fight, you have to be sneaky and devious. This alternative strategy worked for me, even with the AI cranked to its max experience level:

On your first turn, have everybody initially set up by the farmhouse fall back to the trees near the river to the left of the bridge. Meanwhile send most of the troops initially set up on the near bank of the river over the intact bridge behind the stone wall along the river bank to the right of the damaged bridge. I sent everyone except the sharpshooter and the mortar. Have everyone initially stationed in the village move to the near bank of the river and fill the foxholes of the troops you sent across.

Protect your arty spotters at all costs. They will have to fire blind, because they will be killed if they get close enough in the dark to see their targets. Have your artillery spotters blast the vicinity of the farmhouse after a few turns. You will probably knock out a few halftracks, and will annoy the infantry units gloating over their prize.

When your reinforcements arrive on turn 3 (or is it 4?), post your AT guns a little back from the river bank in protected spots so they can cover the far end of the intact bridge and up to the road which parallels the river. From there they can pick off enemy vehicles which try to force their way onto the bridge. The assault guns and armored cars will definitely advance to the approaches to the bridges. Resign yourself to losing all the flags (temporarily).

Keep your bazookas in hiding so they can ambush nosy enemy vehicles trying to find you. After the AT guns kill off the bulk of the enemy armor, counterattack with your largely intact infantry, supported by the jeep mounted MG's. This should be about turn 20. You will find most of the enemy infantry to be in bad shape from the shelling, milling about in the wheat field and bushes near the farmhouse. Don't get too ambitious, because there will be several intact halftracks and infantry units on the road and in the fields on the far side of the farmhouse. You will win at least a major victory just by reclaiming the flags by the bridges, without taking the flag at the farmhouse.

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Originally posted by Lom Ping:

I have only played against the AI, but after getting creamed as the US a few times, I realized that you have to forget about holding the farmhouse on the far side of the river. I tried pushing everything I had to the farmhouse and surrounding fields, including posting the AT guns in various spots on the far side of the river.


victory just by reclaiming the flags by the bridges, without taking the flag at the farmhouse.

I've played this scenario as german against a "real" player that defended more or less as you said .

I attacked in a single wave, with everything available, and scored a major victory. I was quite lucky that none of its zooks scored a hit and my main losses on AFV were immo by arty and , when I crossed the bridge, shots on HT by the jeeps MG. my infantry was bled white .

If the zooks had scored better, this defense should probably have worked

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