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Spoiler - My Religious Experience at Kursk

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After much frustration fooling with the covered arc command and trying to get the most out of my Russian AT guns, I finally gave up and set up a plain old fashioned kill zone and set the arcs for just a few yards out from the guns to prevent them from firing prematurely.

When Fritz ambled into the kill sack, I pulled the pin and presto! In the first minute, 9 panzers bit the dust! And I had only manually targeted the nearest 6! The gunners had intelligently sought new targets and tore into them! Whatta rush!

I was so excited I called over my Russian wife and Mother-in-law so they could share the warm fuzzies (they love seeing Fritzs bite it for some reason). They had a great time watching and loved the Russian crew dialogues. Then when I showed them the piece de resistance, my two sturdy KV's waiting to polish off any survivors, they really got into it and sat around to watch more carnage.

End result was a total victory, with every German tank destroyed and all crews either captured or casualties.

Incidentally, the covered arc command did come in real handy at the end, when the last surviving Pz IV was hiding behind some wrecks. I simply set my AT guns arcs around the sneaky Hun and waited...my trusty AT Riflemen (who had lines of sight) flushed him out and my 3 surviving AT guns took care of the rest.

Interestingly enough, one Pz III never made it to the battlefield, having been left behind with apparent mechanical or track failure. The 2 KV's polished him off once they came into line of sight, causing the crew of the panzer to eventually abandon ship.

A truly satisfying experience!

BTW, I used my Maxim MG's extensively to cause the tanks to button up, then to polish off crewmen. The covered arc command worked to perfection.

Bravo, BTS, you guys are DA BOMB!


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Originally posted by killmore:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by gunnergoz:

I was so excited I called over my Russian wife and Mother-in-law so they could share the warm fuzzies (they love seeing Fritzs bite it for some reason).

You are sick! My wife would just tell me to do something usefull instead!</font>
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Great story, gunnergoz.

It's interesting that they do take delight in seeing the Germans coming off badly against their virtual countrymen.

LOL, collect some good movies of your exploits, crank up Prokofiev's "Vstavaitye, lyudi russkiye" on the stereo and get out the popcorn and invite the family! :D

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