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Early-war Waffen-SS WInter Uniform MOD Released!

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Early war uniforms for W-SS infantry units. Essentially the same as the early mouse-grey Heer set I did earlier, with a few differences, including W-SS Zeltbahns and autumn helmet covers. No white for infantry, but all-new white mountain troop uniforms based on the Gebirgsjäger anorak.

Get them HERE now!




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:eek: A warning hopefully before anyone else clicks on the link. The CM Mod Database site seems to be throwing lots of pop-ups at us again, plus it also tried to install a default home page, and god knows what else, into IE.

Fortunately Ad-Aware caught it and cleaned it all up.

Andrew, I always get your brilliant mods, can you upload it anywhere else?

[ December 08, 2002, 12:12 AM: Message edited by: Rex_Bellator ]

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Great Work Andrew! BTW what's the difference between this pack and the Waffen-SS Uniforms vol.1 you uploaded on 11/30/02. Don't those also include winter uniforms. I have all your and MikeT's uniform mods and their great, however I'm really getting confused on all the German mods because some of them over lap BMP's. Is it possible to install every mod you have w/o running into proplems or are their some obsolete mods or some that need to be installed before others. If possible please give us an installation tutorial to be able to use all your uniform mods. Thanks for some truly great work guys!

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Originally posted by Charlie901:

Great Work Andrew! BTW what's the difference between this pack and the Waffen-SS Uniforms vol.1 you uploaded on 11/30/02. Don't those also include winter uniforms. I have all your and MikeT's uniform mods and their great, however I'm really getting confused on all the German mods because some of them over lap BMP's. Is it possible to install every mod you have w/o running into proplems or are their some obsolete mods or some that need to be installed before others. If possible please give us an installation tutorial to be able to use all your uniform mods. Thanks for some truly great work guys!

No, the vol.1 set included spring and autumn uniforms only. I've been trying to offer them in smaller chunks for easier download.

I don't think there should be any problems installing my mods. There are a few instances where textures are shared, but I think I have most of those covered, or at least I will in the very near future. I think some confusion can arise in the different options I usually include, so some caution must be taken there.


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Your new early-war Waffen-SS winter uniform (especially the grey one) looks very good, Andrew, well done.

Only one question. I've noticed that the winter of 1942/43 is not included in the early period and since I'm a great fan of the battle of Charkow I would love to see Waffen-SS troops with white or grey uniforms for that period. Just a hint/request. Anyway, this mod is great. My compliments.

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