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I swear it's not working. I tried Yelnia as Germans yesterday; the mortar guy is standing, the platoon guy is standing, there is a "line" between them, which only appears if they are pretty close ( what are they doing, yelling?!? "MovenLeftenMeterSiebens!!" ), but the mortar guy can't target specific targets that the platoon guy can see.

What am I missing?


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Is the line red or black? If it's black, the mortar team is not in command and you need to move them closer. Most likely though, you haven't "unhid" the platoon HQ. He can't be hiding and spotting at the same time. You need to do this before you will be able to actively target the enemy. I know it confused the hell out of me before I figured it out. Too used to CMBO smile.gif

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Originally posted by Firefly:

When you are using a commander unit to spot for a mortar, it can only use area fire, it can't target specific units. So aim slightly to one side of whatever it is you want to hit.

Ahah! So your right Firefly. I had become so frustrated with indirect mortar fire myself that i had completely given up on it--decided it was nothing but empty propaganda.
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Originally posted by Firefly:

When you are using a commander unit to spot for a mortar, it can only use area fire, it can't target specific units. So aim slightly to one side of whatever it is you want to hit.

You can aim directly at a unit's location, no need to aim to one side. It will still be area fire.


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Completely offtopic :

In CMBO we didn't get to see the correct number of kills after the fight was over. Yet another reason in a long list to buy CMBB...After the fight was over in Yelnia as I played the Germans I checked how my units had fared. I was astonished to find the kills of my mortar spotter @ 78 ! :eek: That really is something ! I did target a juicy bunch of Soviets early on, and I had two Mg's firing at their direction so as to make sure they stayed put. I don't know the figures of the 75 mm one, as he exited the map.

I don't know whether artillery is more effective in BB, as I don't know the number of kills in BO, but one thing is for sure : Arty in CMBB is SWEET ! Can't wait for the larger stuff ! :D

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Originally posted by Prinz Eugen:

In CMBO we didn't get to see the correct number of kills after the fight was over. Yet another reason in a long list to buy CMBB...

Actually you can get the correct number, but only with FOW set to none. But that is, of course, extremly boring.

So I made a little custom map, because I was interested in the effects of artillery in CMBO too. I placed three terrain tiles of the same kind one beside the other and surrounded them by water. After that I placed a regular 45 american rifle platoon (1 HQ 3 Squads= 40 soldiers) on the tile in the middle. Then from a distance of 280 meters with LOS I fired artillery at them. Here are the results (only two runs for 81mm and 75mm since IT IS boring, more runs would produce more accurate results I guess):

81mm 150 rounds regular FO:

rough: 9 to 12 kills

wood: 14 to 20 kills

open ground: 20 to 25 kills

75mm 50 rounds regular FO:

rough: 9 to 10 kills

wood: 13 to 19 kills

open ground: 9 to 10 kills

I don´t know why 75mm in woods is more effective, maybe treebursts.

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Originally posted by Michael emrys:

You can aim directly at a unit's location, no need to aim to one side. It will still be area fire.


Ok, this sums it up I think- I was thinking that it said "Area Fire" because it had failed to be implemented, but y'all are saying that it's simply that indirect can only be locational, not specific at some unit. Makes sense. Over.

As followup... By "standing", I meant "not hiding"- platoon guy is indeed "not hiding". But then, being relatively hidden is the whole point? It's true I can't expect spotter to be *completely* hidden, but all I want from him are his binoculars and his radio, *not* his Walther...

Otherwise, why not just stick mortar guy out there in the highly open spot? It seems to me that for spotters there should be a "MostlyHiddenButPeekingAtInferiorMongols" setting, having much of benefit of "Hiding", just not completely.

Am I wrong? Or is this in game already but doesn't seem like it?


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Originally posted by Eden Smallwood:

As followup... By "standing", I meant "not hiding"- platoon guy is indeed "not hiding". But then, being relatively hidden is the whole point? It's true I can't expect spotter to be *completely* hidden, but all I want from him are his binoculars and his radio, *not* his Walther...

Otherwise, why not just stick mortar guy out there in the highly open spot?

Because a mortar firing rounds will attract more attention than a few guys just kneeling in place.

It seems to me that for spotters there should be a "MostlyHiddenButPeekingAtInferiorMongols" setting, having much of benefit of "Hiding", just not completely.
I tend to agree with you. I'm not sure yet just how much difference it is going to make in game play--I used an HQ to sucessfully spot for the mortar in the Tutorial--but my initial reaction was that the new rule was not a judicious move.


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Originally posted by Eden Smallwood:

An HQ unit in cover, kneeling, will not be spotted except from close range, as long as it doesn't fire. To stop it firing use the cover arc command, or ambush in CMBO. It will then use it's binoculars to spot, and can direct mortar fire.

There are not many situations that require a unit to hide. In most cases a kneeling (ie. waiting) unit that is prevented from firing by a cover arc is better, because it spots properly. If it is in woods, rough or a building it will not be spotted, except at very close range. Behind walls is an exception though! You need to hide there.

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