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Great news for Macs with Graphics troubles!


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Sorry that I cross posted this to the main discussion forum as well as here, but I thought that the news was important enough to merit it.


The new version of OpenGL (1.2.1) has been released...sort of. The great news is that it comes with a new Rave driver that fixes the black text problems with the ATI rage 128 and Radeon cards.

However, I don't believe the driver is available from Apple yet, but you can still get it if you're desperate enough and don't want to wait. The new version of OpenGL is included with the "Cro-Mag Rally Demo" that was released yesterday. It's a 40MB download though. On the plus side, you get a perfect version of Combat Mission and a demo of new game that looks entertaining enough.


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Thanks for info. No reason anyone should know, but I'll ask anyway. Any idea how long it might take for Apple to post it? Downloading a 3.6 meg driver wouldn't be a problem. But with my family, I don't know when I'll get a chance to grab the phone line long enough to grab the 40 meg demo.

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Yes it will fix the 3d loading screen . I have had a nightmare since getting CM . I was unable to load and play it properly till i got the driver.....now i have nice explosions and even fog.....i did'nt think my 333 mhz imac was up to THAT biggrin.gif



Once an Ubërcabbage

Always an Ubërcabbage

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Weird, but I own an iMac 233 and I have never experienced the problems you talk about. Explosions, smoke and fog displayed OK too.

But I do have a different problem. I know it has already been discussed, but I can not find the thread.

With the Beta and the Gold demo, the texture quality was simply amazing, as well as the FPS. The Gold demo allowed for great eye-candy with great speeds.

Now, since I got the full version, textures are just crap. There is absolutely no way to read mine signs or unit insignias, and buildings are colour stains scattered around the landscape. And the speed is exactly the same as it was before.

Nobody buys a game like this for the graphics, of course. We want the game, not the looks. But releasing a demo that shows high texture quality and having the release version show low-low-low-res no matter what does not seem correct to me...

Is there a fix for this?


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Several possibilities spring to mind:

You can see fog, etc., because you have the early version of the ATI card, which didn't have the display problem (it's only seen on later model G4s and Cubes).

Your graphics display is poorer with the full game because the demands on the processor are considerably higher than they were with the demo. How much memory does your graphics card have?

Did you do a full install, and are you sure you aren't playing off the CD? (I know this is unlikely, but it's been the source of problems for others.)

Hope you get the problem solved. On the other hand, if not, you have a great reason to buy a new computer! biggrin.gif


"Don't lie to me, Gustav! You're a stinkin' Mac user!"

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Well, you are right about the early model. rolleyes.gif But what strikes me as pretty weird is that the texture quality of the full version will be worse than the one I saw in the demo EVEN if I play the same scenario (say, chance encounter).

I have, though, heard many references to a dialog for graphical settings when you first start CM. I have never seen it, and I have trashed my prefs file before trying again. ¿Do I need to press a special key while I launch CM?

I have installed the full-blown version, so it is not a performance issue. And I admit my graphics card is totally useless, being the onboard ATI the iMac has. It would surprise me to find that tiny, humble card is able to display great textures. But if the Demo had proved me wrong in the first place, I would not be as puzzled as I am now. smile.gif

And hey, the new comp thing is by far the best idea I have read around here. When are you buying it for me? biggrin.gif

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Ah, if I only had the $. But first I need to buy my own. wink.gif

As I understand it, the full game puts a much higher demand on the graphics card, regardless of the scenario. So performance on the demo isn't a benchmark for how the complete game should look, even with the same scenarios.

As for the dialog box regarding graphics preferences: I've never seen it either. I suspect it's a feature only for the Wintel version, but I don't know for sure. I think the Mac version picks the best settings automatically, depending on the computer in use (defaulting to lesser graphics for lesser machines). Any Mac users out there who've seen this dialog box?


"Don't lie to me, Gustav! You're a stinkin' Mac user!"

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Hey Reverendo, just another thought:

Doesn't the early iMac (233 version) only have 4 megs on the ATI card? That would definitely explain some of the problems you're having, I think.

Looks like you'll need to moonlight for some extra dough to buy that new G4! wink.gif


"Don't lie to me, Gustav! You're a stinkin' Mac user!"

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I will try to steal my soul from Satan and see if I can resell it back to him (perhaps e-bay?)

Yes, I do have a 4Mb graphics card. And I don't feel (too) ashamed about it. smile.gif

But I totally love my iMac, as I loved my PMac 6100 (I had that working for 5 years), so instead of saying "Hey, I need a better Mac to make this game work", I'm more the kind of lad who says "What the hell, it plays damn fine!"

I have finished DeusEx even though I was far below the system requirements, and I plan to do so with future games until my iMac spontaneously blows up. That's why I love to have preference dialogs to customize at will.

I think it is too much to ask for a patch, though. But if we could switch screen resolutions, texture resolutions, sound quality, etc, I would show the rest of the world my ATI RagePRO 4Mb is as good as their Vodoo5s, if not better... rolleyes.gif (I will try at least)

Reverendo, not rich, but getting by.

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