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What's the neatest thing you've seen so far in CMBB?

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Set up a QB --- German Combined Arms Probe vs Soviet Cavalry defending in a city. I brought a Tiger, a Brumbar, and a couple of engineer platoons (+) to the party. The single objective flag was on the far left of the city, so knowing how the AI likes to set up it's defenses nearest the VL, I decided to flank right, and then sneak back left using the cover of the large buildings. Wrong!

The AI had placed an MG pillbox in the crux of 3 large buildings grouped in an "L" shape --- almost like the buildings themselves were part of a fortified position --- far enough back that I couldn't spot the pillbox until it opened up on my advancing troops. After my Brumbar took out the pillbox, my engineers dusted themselves off and continued to advance --- that is, until the Soviet Recon platoon spread out in the three buildings right in front of my advancing troops decide to open up. I target my Tiger, Brumbar, and a couple of LMG34's on the offending Russki's, and hit the "Go" button. 10 seconds into the turn, after both my AFV's have fired, a T34/85 comes skidding (in reverse!) perpendicular out from behind a large building to my far right and pot-shots my Brumbar before being blown to pieces by my Tiger.

I eventually push out the Sov infantry to my immediate front, and after a few turns playing hide-and-seek with a couple of Sov armored cars, make my way to the far end of the map --- my intention being to cut left across town and move on the VL from the rear. Unfortunately, there's a Sov 76mm field gun sitting in a clump of woods right on the edge of the map at the point I'd decided to begin my flanking move at! It wreaks general havoc until I can call my Tiger back from chasing armored cars long enough to put a hurting on the artillery.

I succeed in moving up on the VL (in a large building) from the rear, only to find it defended by another two platoons of Recon troops, plus another field gun (in a trench) placed in a position where it could cover both the front and rear of the VL building. Luckily I'd moved a sniper into a church near my starting position and left him there to keep an eye on the VL the entire game --- he managed to keep the artillerists heads down while my Tiger moved in and took them out. I then had him pulvarize the VL building, while my engineers and LMG's kept the Sov infantry panicked.

Tightest QB I've played against the AI yet --- almost like the damn thing read my mind!

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well for me it has to be a german halftrack

advancing down a road i ambushed it with infantry who poped a grenade in the compartment

causing it to be imobilized then the grenade was followed up with a molotov cocktail JUST to keep the passengers :D nice and warm LOL :D

best thing i ever saw

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