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Bug or did I have a bad dream?

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Today I finally got my US edition of CMBB (thanks once more to the Diceman smile.gif ). Then I thought it might be a good idea to add a armor penetration table to Wolfe´s great chart, so a friend and I started with German armor. Everything was fine, until I wanted to check if all vehicles using a 88mm gun had tungsten rounds (PzGr40) available. At this point I already had penetration numbers for the L56 and the L71...

For the L56 they were:





and for the L71:




These numbers seemed to be OK and came from a Tiger and a Nashorn (I think) bought in June 43. When I wanted to check the data, I had already deleted all vehicles which I had until then, but suddenly no 88mm gun seems to have tungsten rounds. I used the editor to get all vehicles for the data, I tried different points in time, but no tungsten rounds for 88mm guns (no tungsten rounds available when editing unit).

So, was it a bad dream? Did my friend pull my leg (he read the data and I typed it in, but he swears he only read what was on the screen)? Or is it some bug?

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