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AAR flip-flop?


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Just finished a PBEM game of a scenario called Green Hell. When I received the AAR,it showed my side as having 98% victory (correct) and showed my opponent at 2% (correct). However; the text said, "You have suffered a Total Defeat". What the hey? Did my opponent send me the wrong file? How could he? Impossible. He would have to input his pw to generate the AAR. When I got the file back from him, I didn't have to input a pw. What's this all about? Anyone experience this?

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Same problem here !!!

I received my opponent AAR instead of mine, could open it w/o PW.

(PBEM Desperate measures, auto surrender of the russians after turn 27).

Very frustrating to win a total and when you open the AAR it says you've suffered a total defeat !!! I was shocked for 3 minutes before i realized it was my opponent AAR. ;)

Obviously a fix is needed here.


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