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Will air power be more used now?

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I just saw in a thread that a Il-2 attack will cost around 90 pts. This is much lower tham CMBO, so this begs the question, will air attacks be a common feature in QB between human players now? And if so, then finally there is a reason (other than gamey misuse ;) ) for buying AA units. So, what do you guys, (with the game) thik? Are you now looking at buying air attacks as a viable option?

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I just finished a QB against the Ai where I could buy a HS 129 (or was it Hs 123) with 20mm cannons at 50 pts. Of course I got it.

It first srafed one of my own infantry squads, then it knocked out two already abandoned T-26 and finally it killed a MG tankette.

At those prices I certainly will buy more air support - and won't forget my AA assets at home since my opponents probably will do the same.

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Important thing to note: the prices depend not only on the airplane model you purchase, but also on the weapons loadout. Take a careful look at the purchase screen. You might notice that sometimes all you get are a few strafing runs using MG, even though the plane might have been capable of carrying more powerful weapons.


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I LOVE the increased plane usage. Bought two Stukas and a couple of Bf109's (E&F) in a QM last night. The Bf109's have strafed about every third turn or so, causing very little damage. Not sure if they're really worth it. The Stukas have dropped bombs three times so far (I'm on turn 16). Obviously their target acquisition skills are dependent on terrain, weather, etc. But I had one nail a T-34 that had emerged into a clearing, just as it was about to pound the side of my PZIII. The playback looked great.

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