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Philippe's flags

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Would anyone have a functioning copy of the ruleset for Philippe Devine's flag mods? I've got all the flag mods in my CMBO bmp folder but his Old Glory & Union Jack icons ( CMMOS 4.02 ) are disabled. Must be a bad ruleset file or something. If somebody could send me a copy of the file that I need to get the icons working ( & tell me where it needs to go in go the GEM folder too ) I'd really appreciate it. I've almost got the entire CMBO CMMOS collection & this kind of p*sses me off not getting this one particular mod to work.

Thanks & Merry Christmas

[ December 20, 2002, 02:55 PM: Message edited by: Rob Murray ]

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If a CMMOS icon is disabled, that usually means that the program can't read a particular bmp file. So the first thing to do in a case like this is to make sure that you have bmp files that look exactly like this:

441_pd_og (for the American flag)


442_pd_uj (for UK flag).

Those bmp files get picked up by the rule line that reads (in 510-013 and 510-213 respectively):

#! Key 441_pd_og.bmp


#! Key 442_pd_uj.bmp

The most common cause for an icon showing up as disabled is that an extra space somehow manages to creep into either an instruction line or a bmp file name.

The first thing to check is to make sure (very carefully) that this hasn't happened. The culprit is usually in the bmp file name, so play with that first.

The reason I'm going on at length about this rather than just sending you the rules (and yes, my flags aren't disabled in my version of Vexillography)is that I'm pretty sure my version of the two rules will look like your version, and that probably won't solve your problem. Take a close look at your bmp files first.

And if your version of these rules in the Vexillography ruleset doesn't look like mine, and you didn't accidently add or delete a space somewhere with your mouse when examining them (I do this all the time, as Gordon can attest), then this needs to be brought to Gordon's attention. If something has become corrupted (which I doubt), it isn't a problem because it can still be restored from my original text files.

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Merry Christmas Philippe.....

Haven't seen you around the boards for a bit (was almost afraid you'd driven yourself insane with all that material we put together over the summer ;) ).....

BTW, what ever happened to all of that work we did? It seemed to fall into limbo because of our misfortune to have to compete with the release of CMBB...not that I'm complaining about that mind you, but I was interested in seeing how it all would turn out. :D

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As you know the First Edition of Semiotics was finished in September. It works (in spite of a few minor glitches), but was never released because of massive size. Gordon then worked some magic, waved his programmer's wand, and managed to shrink the whole thing down to viable size.

Unfortunately, the shrinking magic disrupted some of the important features in the rest of the mod. So I then had to go through several hundred rules, figure out what had been left out and what needed to be re-written in to work in the new format. I had just started work on what would have become version II when real life intervened in a financially violent and ugly way.

I recently felt confident enough that I had the wolves at bay to start working on it again (resulting in comical e-mails to Gordon whenever my hand would slip and create an almost invisible glitch in a file that I had spent a week figuring out how to write earlier in the fall). I had just shaken enough of the cobwebs out of my memory to start breaking the different problems into small, evening-sized chunks when I received another visit from the wolves.

This particular visit is unusually serious, but there is some light at the end of the tunnel. I have been extremely unhappy about the fact that Semiotics hasn't been published, especially since we both put so much work into it. In the next ten days or so I'll know how strong my wolf-repellant really is, and if I'm not about to founder I'll probably start working on it, to stay sane, if nothing else. [besides, my girlfriend is going to be locked up in an Art residency in Southern France until the end of May, so I'll need an outlet for my frustrations].

So the bad news is that the Second Edition of Semiotics won't be coming out in the next month, as I had hoped. On the other hand, there is reason to believe that it will come out well before D-Day.

[For those that aren't aware, Semiotics changes the unachieved objective markers into (primarily) divisional flags, puts a complete set of divisional shoulder patches on the American units, allows some of the German winter uniforms to exist in CMMOS format, creates several new modified French uniforms (including civilian clothes for the maquis), triples or quadruples the number of unit portaits in play (Faces of Fear can't really be used without Semiotics), and showcases Darknight's brilliant Commonwealth uniform mod of Andrew Fox's uniforms, with shoulder patches, collar tabs, lanyards and the like down to (usually) the battalion level].

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Well, I'm glad to see that your optimism is still there..... ;)

After all the time I spent in the late summer getting my small part of this completed, I can really appreciate the HUGE amount of time and effort that you've put into this (my wife was ready to kill me over the time I had spent on it :eek: ).

If I can help with any of the conversions or other details, let me know....


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