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LOL! I'm so slow at making my moves in the game

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Am I the only one who gets right down and dirty and wants to make each and every move through the eyes of each unit?? LOL. I get right down at near eye level and pick the best possible path and destination for ALL OF THEM. It takes me like 20-30 min per turn. I hope it's not just me. This is why I will only be playing PBEM :(

It's just that the graphics are so nice and it's so rewarding to take your time and set each orders phase up perfectly then watch your men perform. I feel like I care more for my men that way.

I love this game!

Also, let me say that if there was anything I would like to see beyond the fixes in the patch (Thanks BattleFront!) it would be some way of allowing the player to become more emotionally linked to each unit or even each soldier in each unit. It's hard to explain what I mean but some sort of naming untility or unit customization utility that allows you to see/assign personality traits(maybe even have them affect battle actions somehow), battle wounds, medals, names, etc. Don't get me wrong this may be out of reach but man how awesome would that be??! To feel as though you know each soldier or squad or whatever and to maybe even see the individual wounds each took at the end of a battle.

I'm sorry, just dreaming. . .

I feel connected to them somewhat but not as closely as it could be.

What are your thoughts?

How about even a simple tally at the end of each battle showing how many of each type of wound your men suffered like head wounds = 12, chest wounds = 23, leg wounds = 68, etc. ;)

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If you get involved in a campaign were you fight multiple battles with the same battalion then you'll get plenty connected. When you only have 4 HTs, getting one of them pasted by an ATR that you should have scouted out will have you screaming "Nooooooooo!". smile.gif

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Interesting, but I think my perspective is somewhat different. I'm actually more interested in the soldiers wounds and names and stuff. I think a lot of "personality" already exists in the game, although slightly more would be cool. I know what you mean about the operations though.

I just thought the "wound tally" would be cool as well as the wounds suffered by individual soldiers. Now obviously this could not be show during battle because it would most likely be too taxing on the system, but certainly would be a cool AAR feature tongue.gif

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A meta game like Combat Mission Meta Campaign also involes you like no other. Go to War Stories and see how the actual events of CMMC can inspire immersion. Since the battles are made up from scatch, your Bn commander often bears your characters name. Also since you carry over losses and replacements from turn to turn, it matters how you play.

CMMC1 is finishing up, soon recruitment for CMMC2, the Ost front

[ November 12, 2002, 11:51 AM: Message edited by: jdmorse ]

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At the risk of sounding flippant Master Goodale, to become emotionally involved with your troops may I suggest:

-Go outside on a dark winters night and dig a foxhole in your garden

- If it's a dry night pour a bucket of cold water over yourself

- Stay there all night

- Arrange beforehand with one of your friends that at ANY point during the night he can arrive, sneak up on you and let a shotgun off in your ear

and then kick the crap out of you...

- At dawn the next morning lift a 50lb backpack onto your shoulders and march approximately 5 miles to another location and back to your garden where you repeat the experience for the next night, digging a new foxhole

I guarantee you'll appreciate their efforts a bit more!!


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Just recently I switched back from playing huge games to tiny ones. Games where every man on the battlefield counts, where you have to pay attention to which guy has the LMG and which has the molotov. 300 point quickbattles on small maps.

It's in these tiny games that it pains you most to see one of your men desperately trying to crawl to safety as dirt kicks up around him.

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Just recently I switched back from playing huge games to tiny ones. Games where every man on the battlefield counts, where you have to pay attention to which guy has the LMG and which has the molotov. 300 point quickbattles on small maps.

It's in these tiny games that it pains you most to see one of your men desperately trying to crawl to safety as dirt kicks up around him.

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