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The ultimate combined arms tutorial for CMBB!!!

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does not exist, but it should!

I have learned much from reading the forums, and playing the game, but not everyone spends as much time sifting as I do. There are plenty of tricks that get lost along the way.

I want to teach a few newer player the tricks and concepts that win tactical battles. But these concepts and generalities are often spoken and misunderstood. What I would really like to see, and have as a tool, is a series of scenarios that teach a player how to implement the ideas effectively. There are a million variables, and specific situations that tend to distract these tactical lessons when talked about.

What would be nice, is a series of scenarios that teach, without overwhelming, a novice player to understand the important skills, and learn to use them. Here is a list if the skill sets I can think of:

1)How to succeed on the attack

a) Defining your objectives, and setting priorities. (4 flags to take, which should I make most important.

B) Getting rid of the faceless masses. Organizing your squads and platoons into groups. Accounting for specialties of different leaders (bonuses) and assigning tasks

c) The pre-battle game plan. Deciding how to accomplish the goals that you have set

d) Understanding 'bounds' and phase lines. The milestones along the way

e) The battle before the battle 'recce'. How to gain as much intel on your foe, and how to limit what you expose. How to keep from 'telegraphing' your blows beforehand

f) Turn it around- think about what would be the nastiest way to defend a map, and take those considerations in your attack

g) Armor/Infantry/Artillery coordination. The strengths and weaknesses of each asset, and how to use them to cover each others weak spots.

h) Movement to contact- How to, and I mean how to set waypoints for overwatch- Describing the 3 methods of overwatch, (cant recall the terms at the moment) How much of a platoon to send as bait, and how much to leave back ready to pound them

i) FIRE ASCENDANCY- How to keep the enemy pinned as you advance. When and how to stop and regroup to regain ascendancy

j) reserves - what % as a rule of thumb should be left fresh, and when to bring them in

k) breaching a multilayered defense. What to do when facing the SRE, and the MLR. How to recover from a counterattack, and keep your timing and rhythm

2) How to defend- Almost all of the topics from above, with a few more

a) How to hide- best use of cover arcs.

B) killzones - how to turn the open ground into a nightmare, and turn the bounds and rallying points into traps

c) How to throw off the timing

d) What is the goal of the defender? Understanding that you dont have to face off against an attacker on the front with everything you have. Understanding how to cut off the tentacles of the attacker, and force him into rush in with bad information

e) Schwerpunkt disruption, and how to make a bully cry..

3) Analysis of the battle:

-What did I set as my goal?

-What steps did I choose to accomplish the goal?

-Are these steps justifiable, do they serve the goal?

-Are they working? Do I need to reevaluate based on new information?

-What problems can I do something about?

-What problems should I prioritize as most critical?

I didnt intend to write so much, but I think a series of scenarios that clearly isolated these issues, and gave practical applications of how and exactly what to do.

Give a man a plan, he will kick butt for a day. Teach a man to plan on his own, and he will kick your butt off of the silly ladder. (But thats good, because you'll have more time to be a modslut!)

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good introduction of CM (and more generally real world) tactics. Newcomers can always take a look at the tutorials at Madmatt's Combat Mission HQ

They'll find SRE means Search and Recon Elements, and MLR Main Line of Resistance

and that it's sometimes best to fall back the forward elements to the reserve, than moving forward the reserve. (just as example of something weird for newbies at the first sight, i think)

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This really sounds great. It would be a great help to me. Although I played squad leader when I was younger, and got into CMBO several years ago, I've never had a grasp on how to perform the things you mention correctly.

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Thanks guys!

It seems there are many levels that a player has to master, and the higher levels, the "Strat AI" of a CM player has been done well. ( Particularly 'defending' at the CMHQ articles section )

The goal of what I envision is a primer that teaches a player good habits on the implementation of waypoints, cover-arcs, unit placement, targeting lines, arty placement, how to assault an enemy position, waypoints for platoon level recon.. that sort of thing..

The trick is to be specific as to the means, without moving too far away from the ends that they serve..

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Here are a few other important "Skillz" everyone should learn:

A)The Proper use of smoke in both the offence and defence. If you learn anything at all, learn this.

B)The Proper placment of TRP's on likely points of advance.

C)Identifing the High ground and either make plans to take it or bomb it out of exsistance.

D)Making sure none of your forces are in LOS of the enemy at the start of the game. Otherwise a Pre-Planned bombardment will most liking come down on them (I've had the AI do this to me.)

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You useless pizzle. If you had any long term memory,you would remember that I was knighted by way of Berlichtengendensen specifically for fighting my way out of that yucky "Welcome to Hell" map. I can still heare the sweet sobs and whimpers of Roborat.. How I long to here yours...


[ October 11, 2002, 02:11 AM: Message edited by: *Captain Foobar* ]

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