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Ambush Clarification

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I'm still new to CMBO, and I need a little clarification regarding ambushes.

First: How do you clear an ambush marker? I had 2 ambushes set up for enemy vehicles, but my AT gun was positioned on a hill, and able to destroy 2 half-tracks and a tank before they came anywhere near my troops.

I then had my ambushing troops move to assist a group of soldiers who had fallen under attack in the woods, but couldn't figure out how to clear the ambush markers.

Can anyone tell me how to do this? When I loaded my game today, it seemed that the markers had cleared themselves, does this happen automatically if the ambushing unit moves out of weapon range? What if I don't want to move my unit?

Second: Can I set up an ambush for a specific enemy vehicle? For example, can I set an ambush point for a hidden bazooka team, and then use the target order to make them ambush a specific enemy unit.

For example, if a column of enemy troops consists of a group of soldiers walking in front of a tank, can I make the team target the tank, causing them to wait until the foot soldiers have walked past the ambush point, and attack the tank when it reaches the point.

Thanks for the help. I'm loving this game even though I don't normally play strategy games.



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-When I loaded my game today, it seemed that the markers had cleared themselves, does this happen automatically?

Answer: yes. The marker will disappear in the following turn when not targetted by any unit anymore.

-Can I set up an ambush for a specific enemy vehicle?

Answer: no. The TacAI picks its target. You have no influence over this. The TacAI will usually open up only when it actually has a chance of hitting/killing the target AND surviving the attack.


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Moon- haven't seen you around for awhile. Glad to have you back at the forum.


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But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

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If you cancel the targeting on the marker, it will go away on its own, but not until teh next turn.

For what you wanted with the zook team, you can try targeting the tank while taking the team off of "hide" and cancelling the targeting of the ambush marker. Even if the tank is out of LOS, the team will favor that target if it comes into LOS.

And zooks normally will not fire at infantry unless you tell them to - or the infantry is real close and they get scared (just to keep you honest). So not being on "hide" might not get you killed. The alternative is to leave the ambush as is and hope the Tac AI waits for a tank target.

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When I use an AT team. I usually hide them until they make contact with the enemy vehicle (usually a sound contact). Then I stop them from hiding (maybe rotate them towards the target if needed) and let them attack when they want to, as they have a better idea when they can get the best shotv off, just like Jason said. This works best for me.

Another trick I try is rotate the AT teams totally away from the target. I did this once against a friend's armored column he had coming down an access road. I let the lead vehicle go by then hit the main column, it worked great! My AT teams 1st targeted the tank but could not rotate fast enough to get a good shot. Then the trucks full 'o troops rolled on by and where slaughtered. I only stuck around for 2 turns before retreating deeper into the woods.

Bottom line, there are ways to tweak the TACAI into doing what you REALLY want them to do.


[This message has been edited by nedlam (edited 03-20-2001).]

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