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Human wave makes no sense.

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I really don't understand Human Wave. The definition in the manual is poor, it doesn't list it's purpose. What's the point? How was it used historitcally? When and why should I use it? Why do the units yell "Hooorah!" then start walking for about 10 meters before they yell "hoorah" again and finally start running? Does it give them more morale? Should HW be used on more than one squad that is joined to that same platoon leader, or is HW effective when used with lone squads?

Yes, these are the questions.

Also, can someone give me good examples of how I should go about using Advance and Assault? I'd like to know what situations these 2 are good for.

Thanks in advance.

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Human Wave is mainly needed for conscript Russian units to close in with the enemy under incoming fire. Conscripts lack the Assault and Advance orders, and using Move or Run in the face of enemy fire only gets you halfway most of the time. However, we have not excluded the Human Wave for higher quality units, leaving the choice to the player to use or not use the order.

Human Wave starts out with a brisk walk to cover distance without tiring, then switching to a fast assault run to cover the last 80 meters as quickly as possible.

Human Wave increases the morale for these units somewhat. But it's not a magic boost that makes soldiers into unbreakable heroes.

The secret to using HW effectively is to use mass. If you order a platoon HQ and two squads to do a HW, it's bound for disaster. If you take a whole company and storm an isolated MG position, you'll see that it works (even though casualties might still be high).

Advance: This should be the primary movement type when moving within sight and when fired upon by the enemy. It's a tactical move, meaning that units jump from cover to cover, use covering fire and so on. It's tiring when used for long stretches.

Assault: this is useful for covering the last few meters into an enemy position. It includes firing from the hip, throwing grenades, and increases morale somewhat. But it's very tiring and should be used for short stretches only.

Hope this helps?


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