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I'd like to apologise for saying G*dd*m!

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Id like to make a written statement about the aformentioned incident...

I in no way intended to offend anybody by using the phrase GODDAM. This was merely an attempt to catch the attention of BTS and vent my frustation at not yey owning CMBB. I am also a little short of social skills and often use poor language at inappropriate times. For this I am sorry. I'd like to particularly apologise to Madmatt. I know what a sensitive young man he is and did not mean to upset him.

P.S. I thought begging might do SOMETHING!!! Just a strategy I'd thought I'd try. Who knows? :rolleyes:

P.P.S. Why are people so G*DD*M touchy? ;)

[ February 20, 2002, 11:42 AM: Message edited by: Lordfluffers ]

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How could anyone be offended by a nonsense word?

Now if the first letter were capitalized, a word space added in the middle, and an '...ned' added to the end that would be a proper bit of veracular phraseology.

Like when Walter Brennan on that old TV show would exclaim 'Dagnabit!"

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Originally posted by Lordfluffers:

Madmatt I could kiss you if it wasn't for the fact that we are seperated by thousands of miles and I dont know what you like and I could be arrested and...

I don't know Mr.Fluffers, Madmatts Lamas may get jealous and spit on you.
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