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how many orders per turn are you willing to plot?


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if i am playing against the AI, i find that if there are any more than about 20 or so units on my side, i end up giving group commands (move to contact or hunt) to large chunks of units.

thus, i like, far and away, the tiny battles the best against the AI. in the large battles, the tedium of plotting huge numbers of commands just is not worth the payoff of beating the AI.

against a human opponent, it's a different story, and i find i dont mind spending 20 minutes or so plotting my moves.

just curious if other people prefer small battles against the AI.

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I don't prefer huge battles atleast (sucky computer also). If I need to move a lot of troops I use group movement only at the start of the scenario (when enemy contact isn't likely).

Later I might use group orders but then go through all of the units one by one adjusting the target destination exactly where I want. A lot faster that way as you dont always need to adjust it.

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I virtually never use group movements. I'm far too much of a finicky perfectionist for that. Ergo, I'm not a fan of big battles. A reinforced battalion is about as big as I enjoy and a couple of companies is more like it. Smaller than a company is usually not enough to really develop any tactics, and certainly not combined arms tactics without becoming too unreal. So, a couple of companies of infantry, some supporting weapons, and a couple platoons of tanks is what makes me happiest.

N.B.: This is for an attack. If I am defending, a company of infantry and lots of supporting weapons, trenches, wire, mines, etc. is the order of the day. Lots of arty to go with either side.



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Originally posted by Kilroy Lurking:

Oh for a group movement for road traffic! A legion of time wasted plotting individual units along a windy road or through village, only to have choas as units shunt about like drunken ducks on an ice pond.

What is nearly as annoying is the 45 second time delay because you asked the men to follow the road.

I set my men up on the 3 roads leading to where I wanted to go, did a goup move to see the reult, not pretty. What was worse is the AT gun actually took a path that was back and to the left into the rough terrain instead of the road. Oh Well smile.gif

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Originally posted by Blah Blah Blah:

Believe me, it can take WAY longer to get a unit prepped for movement and actually moving in real life.

However, this complaint comes from a common misconception about how to play CM. It's not a real time strategy game, there is no need to plot a movement across 2 km of map for a unit. And if there is for some reason, be it gamey (especially if it's gamey) or real, well, then you have to live with the command delay simulating additional preparation time. Plot shorter movement paths, just about enough for a turn or two. The combined command delay will actually be LOWER.

Another misconception. CM doesn't have a pathfinding other than to try to avoid direct obstacles. There is no "follow the optimal path from a to b" code in place. Without obstacles, units will follow PRECISELY the line plotted for them. Since CM is not an RTS title, you have all the time you need to plot your paths. And if you need to adjust a group movement - obviously you can, simply select the individual unit and adjust its waypoint(s).


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Originally posted by citizen:

When I play the AI it's using Franko's combat rules. I find that I'm rarely moving very many units each turn, so the large battles are easy. Too dangerous to move more than a few at a time!

Setup can take a while, however.


care to take on a human with true combat rules?

For me its the funnest way to play.

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