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Consider a QB 3000 points you attack as the axis on a map sized about 2000x2000, mid day, october 1944, chunks of open terrain but also lots of wooded areas and some bridges to cross. Forces are combined arms and you have no clue about your opposition. What forces would you buy?

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Originally posted by phil stanbridge:

I think fast recon would be in order here, so a crack company of SMG troops transported by AFV's, ht's etc, some 20mm haltracks too.

Snipers, and heavy artillery up front, and I'd split some squads for recon right on the front line.

Then I'd follow up with as much armour as one could afford with the remaining points.

What tanks? Heavy or something weak like pzIV?
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if you're going past wooded terrain, it's better to use many cheap tanks than one large <strike>target</strike> tank. if you're going Axis go Panzer IV's. it can kill anything but you can afford enough to overwhelm everything. and if you think the PzIV is weak, play the Allies for a while.

also, buy some heavy on-board mortars to take down the AT guns.

i wouldn't split my squads for recon. i think the rally time hit is too much.

here's what i would go for, although there's bound to be better picks, i've never played the Axis, although i wouldn't mind a go.

1 reg, 1 green PzIVH platoon.

1 ref StuG IIIG (late).

1 reg PG '44 battalion.

1 vet armoured PG platoon (with the HT's)

1 reg SPW 250/9 platoon.

1 reg SPW 250/8 platoon.

2 reg 105mm (radio) spotters

2 vet sharpshooters

2 reg 81mm mortars.

altogether 4500pts.

i'd buy a lot of HT's & mix them up. a HT is strong enough to make him reveal hit AT assets before he can have a go at your tanks and have enough firepower to take down most things. if they are mixed up with gun HT's then they are a good balanced force by themselves, i think.

advance the HT's first, with the infantry. 50m behind them the tanks, with the StuG's on overwatch. it's possibly worth "fast"ing your HT's to the trees with the vets in to clear patches. depends on the terrain of course.

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Hmmm i think thats bad advice other means. Against a good player your recon wont get out alive let alone get time to rally .... split squads is essential to save men from ambushes loss 5-6 or even a lmg rather than a whole squad.

2nd green tanks?? vets are needed if you want them to spot thing`s and then perphaps kill them?? green cant hit anything and will die fast.

3rd ....... read JasonC`s advice go do a seach under his name

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hey! i never said i was a novice, just that i'd been playing someone (The Crow on these boards) who handed me my arse on a regular basis.

as to the split squad idea, i don't agree. see this CMBB thread for why.

also, the green tanks are mainly for anti ATG & MG work. they don't need to be quick draw artists, especially as there *are* 5 of them plus 5 regs. any AT work could be done by them or the StuG's.

the spotting would be done by the infantry, that's why they're there.

as for the HT's...well as i said i've never (no not once) played as the Axis, but i've had similar things done to me. if you feel it's a bad idea i'd be willing to learn why. i've actually set up a battle vs the AI to see how it pans out.

i may post a screenshot here of them all in flames if it proves me wrong.

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You didnt understand me. Your first contact, against me anyway die`s. Simple really it die`s, I flee not too far setup another one or pass another one on the way to set up another ambush. All the way back down to MLR. So if you send a full squad in it dies. 2 squads left plus Hq fire at my men assaulting back to where they came from not effectivly because of the way i place them. Your next squad runs into another squad just left/right and slightly back of the first one. Die`s that platoon is no longer effective if its lost most memebers and is usless. Do you continue the same ??? Or did you only lose one squad because you split them and have two squads and a hq left? Some sort of force, not much , but more than what you would of had. Rally time means NOTHING if there dead.

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interesting. so first contact against you is infantry to infantry? unless you reveal some big HE chuckers just for the purpose. in which case - good swap for your opponent. most people prefer to use MG's to keep an opponents infantry at arms length. these pin your men without actually doing much damage, in which case rally time is IMHO) the most significant factor in keeping an assault moving.

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MG`s are to keep pinned alreay broken squads and route them. This is the greatest killer. Have you ever checked casualties moving under fire from a mg 3-400m off with an ok LOS. Or status?? You just reveal early that your mg is there and wants some mortars! Where as if your killing without losing alot your winning. A dead mg six men??? Got how many moving up??? 3-4 pinned a squad ?? But if you fire at that broken squad 2-300m away you will notice the difference in the killing ability. Hence the words wait till you can see the whites of there eyes. So you dont miss. Anything to big gets brocken up with big arty.

As for exposing guns ???

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