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CMAK Not in retail stores?

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I believe the theory was BFC would sell direct and not have middle-men (aka: chain stores) gobbling up all their hard-earned profits. CMBO in-store sales in the U.S. should be considered more a promotional tool for their on-line products rather than a 'revenue generator'. The European CDV connection I guess was too good a deal for them to pass up.

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I fully support direct sales, thats why I was asking...

In fact, i've been a strong proponent of digital delivery as well.. I don't need a box, and I don't like paying a premium to get a box. Just let me click a button, enter my credit card, then download the software. =)

Either way, direct distribution makes sense, publishing companies, as a rule, suck. Back when I had my software company, with 100+ products, we used direct distribution and digital delivery and it paid off big. Not paying mafia money to publishers makes sense.

I wish more companies would do direct sales, much less digital delivery.

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I agree a 100% with you Kobra.

A while back I was looking for some games to buy online and unless you want to play Bubble Pop or some other clikc click click game their just isn't a market for digital purchase of games.

I can't understand why producers haven't gone this route. the tech is their for it, and the money savings would be huge.

It's a lot easier to sell a guy a game for $50 online at 3:00 am than to have him wait until he gets off work, drives to the store, hope they have one in stock, the buy it.

I've been disabled for 3 years now and it's very difficult for me to get out of the house so I'm limited to what I can find online, or ordering from a .com then waitng a week for it to ship and paying the shipping fees. I think digital downloads would be the next consumer wave that would sell big.

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One problem with digital downloads is it the bootleg possiblities multiply exponentially, and there go BFC's profits again. Needing the CD in the hard drive did slow down bootlegging... somewhat... for awhile.

Another problem is how many people don't have the capabilty of downloading 3 gig games?

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