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I know it's been said a million times before...

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...and I know it is just a lost pipe dream but I just want to say it again.

I have been playing the fantastic Sie Kommen! series of scenarios against a long time PBEM buddy and each battle has been great. Nice big maps, lots of room for manuever and lots of action.

Got me thinking again how great it would be if I could save the entire battle movie from start to finish letting me relive each battle and share it with others. There is no doubt that had there been a way for BTS to somehow implement this feature in the game originally it would have been one of the best things that ever happened to the game I think. EVERY CM website would have battle replays for people to download and watch and I am certain exchanging/uploading/downloading these movies would be as popular as playing the game itself and an instant smash with all players. The benefits would range from simply allowing players to capture, replay and relive their greatest CM moments to showcasing the game and all the action, units, maps, sounds and graphics within the context of a real battle to prospective players wanting to know what the game is all about.

Still, CM is a great game, but sometimes I can't help but reponder what if....

Lt Bull

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To a degree it can be done now. I have many many games where I have all the turns and with PBEMHelper I am able to run them one after the other, or skip forwar and back by pressing an F key.

Remembering the passwords is the only drawback : )

I have now started a gallery of famous moments in my battles including film of a Shrek gettting three Churchills in a minute : )

Must remember to add 3 crack Tigers going down in two minutes in an ambush which happened a couple of days ago. And try to find the Flammpanzer taking out a T34/85 head on.

Obviously Helper will only give one sides films but to be honest is not that the most suspenseful and honest way to play it. If one were really keen you could set up the opponents movies on another computer and run them in parallel : )

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Can you email me a copy of this PBEMHelper. I've searched but all the links to it seem dead.

I guess another drawback with the passwords is thar you potentially have to tell people your password if you want them to look at your battles. I tend to use the same one so I would then have to start using different ones each time :(

Lt Bull

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as for passwords I used to have a very simple system which does suffer if people know it so I have now incorporated into a bigger password things that will give me a clue to the password but will seem innocuous to the average player who may only see your passwords once or twice.

Manuals sent to you direct : )

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