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Some questions on CMBO

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First of all this game is great, i got the retail version and love it, but I ned some clarification on a few topics.

1. Is it possible to tell artillery spotters to fire a certain number of rounds or for a certain number of seconds and then they stop. Example tell him to fire 20 rounds or fire for 20 seconds only.

2. I find it really challenging to achieve hull down position, can someone give tips on how to do this.

3. What can halftracks to be used for besides transporting troops, they seem really vunerable.

4. Why do on map artilley pieces such as the Wespe or the 10.5 cm german howitzer need LOS in order to target. In reality artilery pieces would fire over obstacles to hit their targets.

5. What are the differences between platoon, battalion and company HQs. I have platoon HQs that control many units, but then will have a company HQ controlling just a panzerschrek unit. What exactly is the role of each (platoon, battalio, company HQ) and do they have a hierarchy.

Thanks in advance, for your answers, better get back to work.

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Welcome Free Work!

1. No, basically, during design it was found that this would give too much micro-control to the player. Since you can interrupt a barrage after each 60 sec action phase, this should not normally pose a problem.

2. Mark One Eyeball. As you play CM more often, you'll get more proficient in spotting hull-down positions, just as in real life. Getting hull-down by no means is trivial during an ongoing battle in real life.

3. As they should, because transporting troops was what they were made for. There is a good thread in the CMBB forum right now about how to use Panzergrenadiers and HTs I think.

4. And you can in the game as well. You can purchase SP arty on-map (in the direct fire role) or off-map (with a forward observer in the indirect role). Allowing on-map SP arty to fire indirect would allow to much micro-control to the player, plus it would require the engine to take into account indirect fire trajectories and so on (which it can't at the moment).

5. A platoon HQ can only control units belonging to his platoon, as well as independent teams within command range. A battalion or company HQ can command any units within command range (except when a platoon HQ is near, which assumes command of his platoon first). Basically, you can detach squads and teams as you like and put them under CoHQ or BtHQ as you like, as long as you make sure that no Platoon HQ is nearby (e.g. for generating a reserve).


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1. No. You cannot tell FOs to fire a certain number of rounds. You can, with practice, adjust the timing of the first shell fall so that it occurs toward the end of a turn and then cancel the order during the next turn.

2. Hull down takes a lot of practice and an eye for terrain that comes with experience. Some people find that a gridded terrain mod provides more info on elevation and thus helps them achieve hull down.

3. Half tracks are vulnerable and were not usually taken into combat in WW II. On large maps, they are very helpful for shifting heavy weapons groups around or moving reserves rapidly to the front. They can be used quite effectively in mop-up duty (especially the Allied M3A1 with its .50 cal)- chasing down fleeing enemy infantry.

4. In CMBO, the only on-board artillery units that can fire indirectly are man-portable mortars. In CMBB, mortar halftracks can too. Given the scale of most CMBO maps, I don't think indirect fire from 105 mm guns is realistic [open to correction on this one].

5. Platoon HQs control the squads of their platoon and any nearby weapons teams (HMGs, mortars, ATGs, schrecks, zooks, etc.). Company HQs control any infantry squad, including ones from other companies, and any nearby weapons platoon. Battalion HQs do the same thing but have eight men instead of six.

[Hmm, I guess I need to improve my typing speed]

[ July 08, 2003, 03:49 PM: Message edited by: Dook ]

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Thanks for the replys guys.

Still having a little trouble understanding the differenes between platoon, company and battalion HQ'sand their purposes. But i'll try to figure it out.

Does anyone know if theres a strategy guide of CMBO. I saw one for CMBB but couldnt find one for CMBO.

Are there any web sites with strategy tips. Mainly on reconnaisance, and proper troop and armour movement.

[EDIT] Sorry one last question, is there a strategy to use armoured cars, like the German wheeled ones. Whats the best way to employ these.

Argg...so many questions.

[ July 08, 2003, 06:46 PM: Message edited by: Free Work ]

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There isn't any real difference between Company and Battalion HQs, they essentially work the same in the game. The main difference is that Battalion HQs usually have higher morale and command ratings, while Company HQs tend to have higher Combat and Stealth ratings (but this can be adjusted in the editor, so it essentially only applies to QBs). Both types of HQs can command any unit on the map if within command range, and if not within range of another HQ. The brown command lines indicate when a unit is "under command". Platoon HQs are different, in that they can only command squads from their own platoon. They cannot command a squad from another platoon, even if no other HQ is near. Independent teams (like e.g. MGs) can be commanded by all three types of HQs, and are attached and detached if/when within command range of a HQ. There is no hierarchy within the HQs either - a HQ is considered always in command, so a Battalion HQ does not exert command over a Company or Platoon HQ etc.

More clear?

There is no guide on CMBO as such, but there are tons of websites out ther with useful information. For a starter, you could check out the CMBO pages on our website, there should be a listing of sites under "Community".


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Free Work,

I'll try and have a go at your last question, that on reconnaissance. (Like Moon points out, you will find large amounts of tactical tips using the Search function on this forum, including movement and assault tactics).

Reconnaissance in CM is by and large a matter of spotting. Spotting here in wider sense (i.e. including audio contacts). The basic equation is that various troops in various situations have various possibilities of detecting the enemy. Conversely, various troops in various situations emanate various levels of detectable visual or audible noise.


Stationary infantry units have the highest surveillance ratings. If the infantry unit moves, range of surveillance is reduced, and it will only scout forward, i.e. in its direction of advance. Fatigue (Tired, Weary), Stress (Pinned, Shaken) and Quality (Green, Conscript) also has significant bearing on the reconnaissance performance.

Vehicles have substantially lower surveillance ratings than infantry, and are affected by the same variables as the infantry (Movement, Stress, Quality). Surveillance performance is drastically lower if buttoned down. I don't know if individual vehicles differ in capacity, or if they all have the same basic rating.

Of course, numbers (of observers) increase chances of detection.

Officers can improve observer ratings if they have a relevant bonus.


Conversely, the unit most difficult to spot is a small stationary infantry unit in covered terrain. The larger the unit, the easier to spot, and even the smallest of vehicles is much easier to detect than the largest of squads.

Movement increases detectability for all units, the faster the movement the greater loss of stealth.

Firing also drastically increases a units detectability, and the larger the weapon the easier to detect.

Officers can increase stealth capacity of units if they have relevant bonuses.


Visual range on a clear day in CMBO is practically limitless (longer than map limits). The most drastic range limitation is a night with thick fog, with visibility reduced to 30 meters. Any other condition is in between these extremes, and it is of course essential that you find out maximum visibility range for each scenario.

Terrain features reduce sight. Some block it entirely but most block it gradually.

I am unsure of wether ground conditions, terrain and weather affects sound detection possibilities. I have always assumed it did, to not take unnecessary risks.


Much is to be found on the topic of patrols, observation posts and infantry reconnaissance in other threads on this forum also. You will not find much on armoured reconnaissance (armoured cars). Armoured reconnaissance was an operational tool, normally used for intelligence needs of larger scope than the CMBO environment. Though there are exceptions of course, with very large operations. But generally, when appearing in CMBO the Armoured Car is to be regarded as a tactical weapons system rather than reconnaissance system.

Much more could be added I suppose, but I suspect you will rapidly get the hang of it anyway. Just keep in mind that to detect the enemy undetected:

- Stay small

- Stay footborne

- Stay silent (immobile, or use crawl or sneak, stopping often and sitting still a minute or two)

- Stay lowline (anyplace lower than your enemy)

- Stay in cover (a gully is also cover)



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Regarding on how to use Half-tracks, let me pull out an old quote on Jochen Peiper:

"nteresting quote on Jochen Peiper and his tank tactics:

"Obersturmbannfuehrer (SS Lieutenant Colonel) Jochen Peiper was one of the most sensational figures of the Battle of the Bulge..<snip>......Later, on the Eastern Front, he had pioneered daring armored tactics. At the head of a small group of tanks, he would raid deep into the Russian rear, shooting up supply columns and wreaking havoc. ...<snip>. He would put two or three halftracks at the head of his columns and then charge deep into enemy territory. The halftracks would be sacrificed but the tanks behind them would then take out whatever defenses had been flushed by the halftracks."

lifted from a text file of the game patton strikes back."

frankly, i doan like to buy half-tracks as they are too expensive but if you are allocated one, then using them as infantry support isn't too bad.

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