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Playtesters needed for Small Battles series


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Hi folks

As promised I have completed some 'alternative' CMAK scenarios which need your expert help.

The deal: You get to play test the scenario and you get, free of charge, a mention in the credits and my undying gratitude.

I need help with three Spanish Civil War battles,


Small Battles, La Colina de Saltamontes SCW

Small Battles, Desaprensivos SCW

Small Battles, Passes, SCW

Two Arab-Israeli battles, 1948

Blood Feud, Mendalbaum's Gate

Blood Feud, Notre-Dame

Thailand versus Vichy France in Cambodia, 1940

Small Battles, Yang Dang Khum

One Italian versus Greek, 1940

Small Battles, Epirus

Two British vs Japanese in Burma, 1943-44

Small Battles, Burma Relief Column

Small Battles, Marubouai

Thanks for your help in advance


Please put CMAK in the subject or my spam killer will do your message in.

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It will be a pleasure for me to help you with the three spanish civil war battles.

I will report you with ideas, historical innacuracies, game balance, playability, etc. or whatever other needed information. Only ask me for them.

Although i supose you will have a lot of testers in the future.


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British Tommy, yes I should and will. Thanks for the reminder

Oren-M yes I believe we have spoken before. Its the Arab Legions attack towards the Al Quds on the 20th of May 1948. Notre-Dame de France is the attack on the Hospice on the 23rd of May.

Yes I do plan to do many more Blood Feud scenarios. I have severe problems getting any material however. Being in an Arab country I cannot get to any Israel website nor import books on the subject. I am trying to establish contact with the Royal Jordanian Command and Staff College.

If you have any material (maps, diagrams or OOB) from the 48-56 period let me know.

Lucho and Alex please email me and I'll get you started. I do have one little problem in that my copy of the finished CMAK has stilled not arrived, so references to the manual on things like dynamic flags etc are not completed. Also some names of the soldiers have not been converted (In the Thai vs French scenario for example).

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  • 1 month later...

Gentlemen my apologies

The real world interfered with the reality of CMAK.

Fortunately I'm now retired (well untill I go out and find another pesky job) with lots of time and I'd like to get back to these scenarios.

If you are still interested please reply to this message or send an email to

Wayne100@emirates.net.ae - please put CMAK in the subject line or my spam killer will do in your message.


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Gentlemen my apologies

The real world interfered with the reality of CMAK.

Fortunately I'm now retired (well untill I go out and find another pesky job) with lots of time and I'd like to get back to these scenarios.

If you are still interested please reply to this message or send an email to

Wayne100@emirates.net.ae - please put CMAK in the subject line or my spam killer will do in your message.


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Originally posted by British Tommy:

why not post the scenario's at the Proving grounds site? the site is dedicated to the CM games and it's where budding scenario designers post their beta scenario's to be reviewed by others.

Each scenario has it's own disscusion area and the site has an active messageboard smile.gif

Some of these at least were on The Proving Grounds and were pulled. I was in the middle of a playtest when the scenario vanished without a word. :mad:

I'll not soon be playtesting a scenario for this author.

Panther Commander

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Sorry about that Panther but my understanding was that scenarios should remain at PG only for a short time, I was unaware that designers shouldn't withdraw the scenarios when comments had dried up after a week. I also found it fustrating to be unable to update the scenarios, or in some cases to upload the scenario at all. Word was placed on the forum that I had withdrawn the scenarios, but the design of the message board sweeps them away to quickly.

My email remained available in the briefings.

Any information you have would be appreciated.

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Originally posted by Hans:

Sorry about that Panther but my understanding was that scenarios should remain at PG only for a short time, I was unaware that designers shouldn't withdraw the scenarios when comments had dried up after a week. I also found it fustrating to be unable to update the scenarios, or in some cases to upload the scenario at all. Word was placed on the forum that I had withdrawn the scenarios, but the design of the message board sweeps them away to quickly.

My email remained available in the briefings.

Any information you have would be appreciated.

The way The Proving Grounds works, and GJK can tell you far more about this than I can, is that the scenario stays at TPG for as long as it takes to get it playtested to "YOUR" satisfaction. If you think it needs more work you can leave there till we get to CMx2. Either way when you pull one let the people that are working for you know it. Those guys are giving their "FREE" time and there is nothing more valuable than that.

Panther Commander

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