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Normandy MODS for CMAK- Modders suggestions

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I have been away from keyboard for a year or more and have lost important contacts. Need your help. Time currently devoted to development of this new series. I need to conserve some time, your help would be appreciated with some concise name of mods and locations...

I am in development of a three scenario series for ETO. If you have mods of airborne and glider infantry of 82nd airborne, and Heer units in uniforms for my mod suggestions for the scenario series I have been working on please point me to right mods, for area around Ste. Mere-Eglise. Also need Panzer mods too, and some gun mods that are availble.

Michael " Gonzo " Gonzalez is back!

you can e-mail me at m_gonzo@comcast.net

P.S. Testers will be needed for first scenario in a few days. I am sure some of you old timers know my work.

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Thanks Andrew,just downloaded your mods late last night.

Junk, thanks for the bump... Will be looking a little closer at the MODS.

MikeyD, as usual a forum regular from the past comes through for me again.

Keep those MODs coming in and I will definitely include designer names and locations in my scenario briefings.

Michael "Gonzo" Gonzalez

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