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Can't see out of building - walls not transparent

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I'm running an nVidia GeForce256 video card w/ 32 MB of ram on a Dell 500Mhz processor PC.

When I have a unit in a building and the camera view is set outside the building the walls appear transparent and I can see the unit(s) in the building.

However, if I select one of these units, hit the tab key, and then go down to camera view 1 I can see over the shoulders of the guys in the unit, but not out of the building. All I can see trying to look out from this viewpoint is a big white opaque wall that cannot be seen through at all.

I've loaded the latest drivers as of last week from nVidia which did nothing to help this "problem". What is the latest ver. of Direct X? I think I downloaded and installed the latest version of Direct X shortly after getting the final version of the game a couple of weeks ago. I'll have to check what ver. is loaded when I get home tonight though.

Thanks in advance,

Mike D

aka Mikester

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I'm guessing that this behavior is normal. I get the same thing with a TNT2 Ultra. I don't know if anyone can see from inside a building to the outside utilizing transparencies. The old Beta did this by just "killing" the wall once a unit occupied a structure.

I'm quite possibly wrong about this, but I'm guessing that is the way the transparencies are programmed in CM (DirectX limitations, etc.).

[This message has been edited by Schrullenhaft (edited 07-17-2000).]

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My Prophet 3D GeForce card produces the same effect, except it's gray instead of white. I don't use transparent buildings, so it's not a problem for me. I, also, assume it is just normal behavior.

It would be nice to know for sure, though. I hate mysteries. biggrin.gif

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Guess it's good to see I'm not the only one experiencing this.

Like Schrullenhaft said, I thought in the demo we used to be able to see in and out of the buildings no problem when there was at least one unit in the building and the walls had thusly turned transparent.

I'll have to try the shift-o thing tonight.



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