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Direct3D problem

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I can't start up CMBO. When I tried, I got the message "Program Error, could not initialize Direct3D graphics". I have a Voodoo II. After this message, I douwnloaded the latest 3DFX drivers, and still got this error. Please help!


"The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason." --Poor Richard's Almanack, 1758

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Try deleting the preferences file in the CMBO directory. I haven't had to do this, but it may fix your problem, as the game will re-detect your hardware the next time it starts up.



"Liberty or Death?" Make it "Victory or Pretty Damned Badly Wounded", and I'm yours. - a prospective recruit during the American Revolution.

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Well, it's time to admit something embarrassing. I had the Direct3D problem occur before, but was somehow able to prevent CMBO checking for a 3D card - it would render using CPU. However, I just upgraded to Windows Me (which came with the latest DirectX drivers, I even checked), and CMBO was reset for use with 3D card. I have forgotten how to set CMBO for CPU-rendering. I love this game--even non-accelerated. Could someone remind me how to set it up non-accelerated?


"The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason." --Poor Richard's Almanack, 1758

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Jewels Seizer - to use Software rendering for CM you need to 1) Delete the CM prefs file as BeWary stated 2) Go to Control Panel > Display control panel > Settings tab > Advanced button and look for any Voodoo/3dfx related tabs for Direct3D. Disable the Voodoo's support of Direct3D. If you can't find this, then something similar can be done from the DirectX control applet.

When you start CM again and you're presented with the resolutions, the first one should likely be the 640 x 480 Software Rendered mode.

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