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Oh, im much to 'green' to be playing against other people at the moment, but maybe one day ill get bored of the AI...but not anytime soon ;)

So, had my second battle today, Allies,(me,Canadian) vs German, things were going good and then a Stug with 105mm blew up my main building (yikes!) but fortunatly the Poor Bloody Infantry were able to hold back the waves of Germans (a PIAT was lucky enough to blow up a SDFKZ-flame,too!) for long enough for re-inforcements in the form of 5 Shermans (one got brewed up unfortunatly) to blast the heck out of the Stug and remaining SDFKZ/75mm and mow down most the remaining Germans, such a good game, soooo addictive!

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Welcome aboard! Be glad you got rid of that flamethrower 251, for I've seen one burn down an entire block. If you want to see the remains of what blew apart your building, head over to the General Discussion forum and Find the Cool Halftrack Restoration thread, in which you'll find a link to a StuH recovery and a StuG III/G recovery.


John Kettler

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