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Turret Mantlets


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This may seem a silly question but I recall others saying that the turret of the Tiger has effectively 200+mm because of the mantlet, so does that mean other tanks also have more becuase of the mantlet, eg PzIVH have effectively 100mm because of its mantlet or is this only speciaifc to Tigers?

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There is quite good discussion about Tiger mantlet here:


Quote from rexford:

"While the Tiger is a 1942 tank, the mantlet armor would not be matched or exceeded by very many turreted tanks during the war.

The Tiger mantlet ranges in effective thickness from 135mm to 197mm (while the minimum thickness is 97mm on the upper and lower edges, that armor is backed up by a spaced 100mm armor area), and is only exceeded by:

King Tiger

Jumbo Sherman

Super Pershing"

As it's said, most tanks had quite a large hole in turret front, covered by mantlet. Tiger had it backed up with armour.



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Mantlet thicknesses/protection is a really touchy isue. Some mantlets were a consistent thickness, some were milled from behind to fit equipment, some had an excess of flaps and openings on the front, some had turret armor/spall liners behind them, and some were inefficiently designed and allowed splinters to enter the fighting compartment through cracks! In CMBB one visual difference between the Ferdinand and upgraded Elefant was its reversed gun shield. This was done to close the large gap between the shield and the gun opening, reducing the threat from splinters sneaking past.

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