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Getting back into the fold

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Just paying the scenario Cassino town. WOW what a game this is. I forgot how exciting it was.

My only niggle is that after about 8 to 9 turns most of my troops are tired and some exhausted.

I undertsand this scenario has been made extra difficult to attack in, but it seems extreme that in 9 mins of fighting many of my men are knackered. Even some of my crack squads.

Still great game. Huge blood bath going on! Those four or five MG 42's are ripping my men to shreds!

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Originally posted by Wodin:

My only niggle is that after about 8 to 9 turns most of my troops are tired and some exhausted.

I undertsand this scenario has been made extra difficult to attack in, but it seems extreme that in 9 mins of fighting many of my men are knackered. Even some of my crack squads.

Crack, veteran, regular, etc. describe how well the soldiers will fight, not how they can physically perform. This is described as either fit, weakened, or unfit. Fit troops can go the hardest the longest, while unfit troops are pretty much relegated to "move" orders.

How are you moving your troops? "Advance" and "assault" are probably what you should be using in a battle like that, and these orders will quickly tire your men out. After each bound give them a chance to rest for a few turns while you bring up your support weapons. When your heavy weapons are in place, bound forward again.

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Originally posted by JasonC:

Then again, "resting" while 4 or 5 MG-42s saw you in half is a tad difficult...

As I found out to my cost.

Anyone else played this scenario?

I downloaded it from somehwere but cant remember exactly where.

Damn difficult. I lost big time. 200+ casualites to the Germans 80+. All my remaining untis where decimated. All low on ammo and either exhausted /broken /panicked or routed. Captured one objective until the last turn when a German crack unit down to four men managed to assualt the hill thus leaving it in limbo.

New Zealand dead everywhere. Two objectives where littered with corpses. As about three German crack units and MG 42's tore them to pieces.

One of the most bloody battles Ive played.

Great game;)

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Its called Cassino Town. I think it came with a scenario pack I downloaded from CMMODS.

Cant remember who it is that has uploaded scenarios but you can get about four scenario packs and an operation pack.

I just picked out the ones I liked the sound off from each pack as it had alot of France scenarios.

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