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Old thread resurrected: What games other than CM are you playing NOW?


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I tend to bounce around a bit with my games. I figure if I'm playing a lot of games at once instead of just one for 5 hours a day that I won't burn out as fast. Works okay.

Lets see here...


SimCity 4

Civ3 Conquests

Diablo 2


Mario Kart: Double Dash


Soul Caliber(Dreamcast, oh yeah!)



Advance Wars 2

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Originally posted by BigDork:

I tend to bounce around a bit with my games. I figure if I'm playing a lot of games at once instead of just one for 5 hours a day that I won't burn out as fast. Works okay.

Same here,I'm currently playing the Rainbow Six 3 campaign;trying to get into Highway to the Reich but just haven't found the time or been in the mood;I'm also playing the Starshatter campaign;mucking around with various flight sims(LOMAC,IL2,EAW),or was but my M$ precision pro joystick seems to have died.But my gaming time has been reduced as I'm working 60 hours a week over the holidays and I recently got a new girlfriend.

[ December 02, 2004, 02:51 AM: Message edited by: Pinetree ]

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Originally posted by BigDork:

That's trouble. Girlfriends and CM don't mix well.

Actually, my wife loves watching when I play CM, because of it being turn-based so she can actually follow what's happening.

Then again, my wife took my example, took an IT retraining and is now a Sun Certified Java Programmer, so she isn't your average girlfriend mold probably. :D

As for the thread's question, I re-discovered the joys of Close Combat (5) after I finally found someone to play against (the AI sucks after a while, and I prefer to play against people I know). I couldn't fully enjoy "Panzer General" because of a strange bug that made Stukas worthless and no-one could reproduce. I have Talonsoft's West Front / Eastern Front II, and the airwar games "12 o'clock high" and "Battle of Britain" here from a budget purchase which I didn't have time yet to play.

As you might realize, CloseCombat 5 was so far my only concession to real-time, which is on purpose - I find most real-time games to put too much of a time pressure on what should be recreational activity. (Same for CM online with turn time limits.)

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i expect to be playing rome:total war, as soon as my buddy gets on a plane and brings it to me. i also play IL2. flight sims are only good when you have a prop, and guns. jets and missles seems kind lame for a game. need for speed underground was alright for a few days, but got to hard. far cry got boring after a few days. i just dont take CMAK out of the drive unless im burning a cd. then it goes back in real quick. oh yeah, i play COD for a few minutes now and then.

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